With the fda cracking down on compounded products like hcg and Enclomiphene and possibly hormones, is it likely that they’ll restrict the use of trt in the next few years like they did with gh (ie Trt only for those less than 264ng/dl)? Will they treat trt clinics (most of them fly by night)...
Most users here have a history of struggle that to a smaller or larger extent was helped by initiating hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Yup Thousands of users use this platform daily to ask questions and learn more about HRT. There are hundreds of successful stories here where people’s quality...
I already don't' see it any longer on Amazon, it looks like FDA is now trying to "regulating" it. Other website still carry it, it may be wise to stack up now.
Here the article Amazon reportedly removes NAC-containing dietary supplements
Tlando is an oral form of testosterone undecanoate and failed to achieve high enough blood testosterone levels at the recommended dosage. The article says:
The FDA has turned down Lipocine Inc.'s Tlando, an oral testosterone product candidate for testosterone replacement therapy in adult males...
Testosterone pellets have been placed on the "difficult to compound" list, preventing compounding pharmacies from manufacturing them. A petition to reconsider this decision was denied. If I read the decision correctly, it was because proper procedure for contesting the decision was not followed...
No its not Tribulus, Horny Goat or Maca. In fact the latest fear mongering from the FDA isn't about any supplement at all don't...
I am considering going down the TRT and Trimix road, but I am concerned about compounding pharmacies and the safety of the products.
I like researching things...so I found this:
And also this...
Background information:
FDA compounding enforcement draws ire from Congress
The FDA is asking for comments now (Deadline July 18)
Please add your comments to defend the compounding industry before the FDA imposes more restrictions. They are requesting comments now...
Testosterone and “Age-Related Hypogonadism” — FDA Concerns
August 19, 2015
Nguyen CP, Hirsch MS, Moeny D, Kaul S, Mohamoud M, et al. Testosterone and “Age-Related Hypogonadism” FDA Concerns. New England Journal of Medicine. 2015;373(8):689-91...
Note: This information only covers prescriptions paid by insurance. It does not include prescriptions from cash-basis clinics.
FDA's analysis of drug utilization data for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) over the past 5 years shows a significant increase in the use of testosterone...
As of September 17, 2014 (last FDA meeting to review requirements for testosterone studies and products), approval of testosterone replacement products has become a lot more difficult in the United States. This was fueled by two flawed studies that linked testosterone to cardiovascular risks and...
The FDA has caught several supplement companies adding medications to their weight loss supplements. Be aware that this industry is not regulated and that the FDA only does spot checks once in a while.
The FDA Found Hundreds of Supplement Brands Tainted with Rx Drugs. Most Weren't Recalled.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in partnership with other federal and international agencies, took action this week against websites that sell potentially dangerous, unapproved prescription drugs to U.S. consumers. The FDA and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) also conducted...
This is not a review but pertinent to this section on compounding pharmacies.
A bipartisan committee of lawmakers from the Senate and the House reached a compromise on Wednesday on legislation that would give the Food and Drug Administration greater control over compounding pharmacies...