e2 crash

  1. M

    HELP!! Horrible effects from letrozole months later.

    Hello everyone, Desperate for some help. I’m 23 years old. I’ve been bodybuilding for 8 years, and started competing at 21. I was prepping to compete at nationals this summer before everything went wrong. I was on a test only cycle around June and started to get some gyno symptoms. All I...
  2. L

    E2 Crashed?

    Hey guys, I've been lurking this site for a while because I am feeling very weird lately and I suspected it's related to my E2 levels. I'm not on TRT. Past three months I started to feel low libido, genital numbness, blunted emotions, hot flashes, very depressive, feeling like I don't have...
  3. F

    Estrogen Drop - Weird Symptoms

    Wanted to preface this by saying if you are searching the boards for crashed estrogen recovery and some reassuring stories of recovery, I'm on the same boat right now and can say you will be OK. Having strong mindset to overcome this will make this ride easier, I promise you. As far as the...
  4. M

    Crashed E2

    Pics above and lower are current labs So, here are my labs numbers before trt Tt-278 E2 standard- 24 Protocol has been 50mg test cyp 2x a week and 1/4mg anastrozle with injection.... i was on trt for close to two years and made the mistake of switching clinics. New clinic didn’t use...
  5. T

    Sick and tired of being sick and tired...
