
  1. T

    Question on Latest Thyroid Labs

    My TSH has been elevated for years, and even though I have several classic low thyroid symptoms — sluggish in mornings, intermittent brain fog, the early afternoon crash — I've avoided going on thyroid meds because my free T3 is always right in the middle of the range. For my latest set of...
  2. C

    Best way to take supplements with thyroid medication

    So i have thyroid combination treatment for hypothyroid with TRT 125mcg T4 + 40mcg T3 day. What is the best and proper way to take supplements that they dont interferce each others absortion and my thyroid medication. I know magnesium, calcium iron etc have to take about 6h away from thyroid...
  3. M

    Thyroid Labs Advice - high T3

    Hi, I have been taking 3/4 grain Naturethroid and 20 mcg Cytomel at about 3:30 am when I wake up to pee. At 8:15am, I did a blood draw. Results: TSH 0.922 (0.45 - 4.50) FT3 6.1 (range 2.0-4.4) FT4 0.67 (range 0.82-1.77) Am I taking too much cytomel or is this just a function of testing a...
  4. J

    Help with Cytomel

    Just was prescribed Cytomel by defy medical. Reverse T3 was 23 and T3 was 2.8. Took 5 mcg for the first week as prescribed, and then increased to 10 mcg. For the first week I had trouble sleeping the first two or three nights, and then settled in. At 10 mcg I haven’t been able to sleep at all...
  5. T

    T3/Cytomel carbolic?

    Have any of you guys using T3/ cytomel noticed any catabolic effects on your muscles? Or lack of progression in muscle building? I know it's supposed to be catabolic, but not sure at what dosage, and not sure exactly how much corresponding testosterone you have to inject to compensate for this...
  6. S

    T3 and rT3 - Treated with Cytomel

    Is anyone else on Cytomel long term? I have had my numbers checked a couple of times. Currently my numbers are: Free T4 - 1.26 ng/dl Free T3 - 4.2 pg/dl rT3 - 23.2 ng/dl My dosage of Cytomel was just increase from 15mcg a day to 25mcg a day. My metabolism feels like had increase substantially...
  7. C

    rT3 halved under liothyronine (T3), fT3 & fT4 lower, what next?

    Pre-treatment: TSH: 2.8 (0.45 - 4.5 uIU/mL) Free T3: 2.7 (2.0-4.4 pg/mL) Free T4: 1.4 (0.82-1.77 ng/dL) rT3: 23 (9.2-24.1 ng/dL) I was prescribed liothyronine and told to start with 5 mcg/day and titrate up to a maximum of 20 mcg. I tried the 5 mcg dose for a couple weeks, then went to 10 mcg...
  8. G

    T3 prices

    Just wondering if anyone knew how much Empower's T3 costs for 5mcg capsules. Also, does anyone know if they make tablets of T3 as well? Last question, does anyone know if they even make quick release T3? Their website only shows that they have sustained release T3 capsules. Here is how much...
  9. C

    Input from Thyroid experts

    I have been on TRT almost 6 years(now almost 1 year with Defy) now and my current TRT protocol is 40mg Test 3x week(Monday,Wednesday, Friday), 250 IU HCG 3x week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday), and .125 Anastrozole (Monday and Friday). They also currently have me prescribed 15 mcg of T3(Cytomel)...
  10. A

    Low dose T3 (Cytomel) for fatigue

    I'm posting this for reference and information only but would welcome any insights/comments you all may have. In June of 2018 I had blood work done after visiting my TRT doctor regarding fatigue and trouble sleeping. My sex hormones turned out to still be in the same good range that I had been...
  11. T

    Sick and tired of being sick and tired...

  12. DragonBits

    Does NDT / levothyroxine raise blood sugar levels?

    I read on a lot of diabetes forums and see on drug inserts that if you take NDT, levothyroxine or cytomel that these can raise blood sugar / glucose levels. And if you are a diabetic taking these meds you should carefully monitor changes in blood glucose. I find a little info about this, but...
  13. J

    Low free t3 cardiovascular mortality

    I was researching this topic and I found this study online. A few of you may know I questioned targeting higher free t3 during thyroid hormone replacement. Low free t3 and it’s effects on the cardiovascular system may have changed my mind. Theres accutually a good amount of research on this...
  14. D

    TRT + Cytomel guy here just say Hi

    Hi everyone. I've been reading this site for months and decided to register. There's a lot of good info here. I'm a 39 year old male that takes 200mg Test Cyp once per week, .5mg Arimidex every 3.5 days but I'm gonna switch to every 5th day because it lowered my estrogens a bit too much, and...
  15. A

    Supplementing T3 and drastic bowel movement changes

    I started supplementing 25mcg T3 cytomel to my every day, and I was pleasantly surprised by the results so far. I am warmer everyday, but my bowels have changed a lot. I go less frequently and when I do it isn't explosive and semi-watery/flaky, but solid and the consistent of healthy stool. I...
  16. Nelson Vergel

    Article: Armour, Desiccated, Levothyroxine, & Liothyronine- Any Differences?

    Explaining the Different Thryroid Medications: Armour, Desiccated, Levothyroxine, & Liothyronine Explaining the Different Thryroid Medications: Armour, Desiccated, Levothyroxine, & Liothyronine by Jasen Bruce With the ever increasing price of the brand “Armour Thyroid”, which is a popular...