botox; erectile dysfunction

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  1. R

    Botox for your sexual health.

    Just wondering if anyone out there has tried the botox shots for ED yet, besides me? If you get them thru the P shot trained docs working with Dr. Runnels, they refer to them as "Bocox" shot. There are other plastic surgeons offering them for ED and "male enhancement". Supposedly according to...
  2. madman

    Safety and efficacy of BOTOX in the treatment of ED refractory to PDE5i

    Safety and efficacy of botulinum neurotoxin in the treatment of erectile dysfunction refractory to phosphodiesterase inhibitors: Results of a randomized controlled trial (2021) Islam Fathy Soliman Abdelrahman Amr Abdel Raheem Yaser Elkhiat Abdelrahman A. Aburahma Tarek Abdel-Raheem Hussein...
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