
Buy Lab Tests Online
  1. J

    A.I advice

    Background : Symptoms: night sweats low libido bloating fatigue Protocol: Mon morning and thur night: test cyp 58mg wednesday night and sunday morning: HCG 125IU Latest Labs: total test always 750-900 free test upper end of the range Shbg: 23.9 (16-55) Dht: 61 (30-85) Dhea: 346 (...
  2. N

    Aromasin just once a week.

    I go to a TRT clinic I was on 240mg test c / .5 armidex .500 HCG week. Inject just once weekly. Last labs had my total t at 982 on day 7, e2 at 47. I had the labs drawn because I lost my libido and have been suffering from ED. The doctor reduced me to 180mg test c, 1mg armidex, .500 HCG. To...
  3. L

    HCG out of stock and Dr without experience on Arimidex

    Hi All, Hope everyone is well. I have been on trt for 9 months now and had to change from nebido to sust 250 earlier in the year due to no benefits from the Nebido. I went through a few months of feeling better on the must 250 but my libido has been very low for the whole treatment. I...
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