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  1. M

    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    i'm more like skinnyfat if you could say, even when couple years back i was able to train hard and i felt good i still had fat in midsection, otherwise very lean, vein everywhere. yea i guess i just have to try start to eat even more, what i do is after meals i do supershakes so i get even more...
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    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    so here are some of my newest lab results, protocol when taken these is same: 62,5mg test enanthate x2 week along with 250iu hcg. 18.08.2016 Alaniiniaminotransferaas 21 10 70 U/l Näytä: 18.08.2016 Glutamyylitransferaasi 21 10 80 U/l Näytä: 18.08.2016 Creatine 84 60 100 µmol/l Näytä...
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    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    I will try to keep everything in mind, do you have any general routine/principle to help especially with lower body mobility, mostly harmstring and lower back? I've heard so many different ways i should stretch, use foam roller or tennis balls etc. That i'm pretty confused.
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    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    thank you for your input! yeah i mostly try to eat cleanly, although these days i try to get also not so "clean calories" to get more them in, i've done super-shakes before from those ingredients you mentioned, also i usually add spinach, chia or flax seeds to them. what comes to training, i...
  5. M

    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    before trt and a while after beginning it we tried t4 and later NDT and i remember feeling very bad at the time, my free t4 was something like 14 and free t3 was almost top of the range.
  6. M

    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    well physically yes except beard growth but i know that's highly genetical so it propably has nothing or much to do with this. mentally before trt i had very bad self-esteem, i was shy and insecure myself and trt has helped with those things but not feeling well:fatigue, back and hamstring...
  7. M

    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    thanks for your comment, i will take that to consideration. i'm going to take basic trt labs plus serum igf-1 in few weeks so we'll see what my bloodwork looks like. going take more tests later in a month or two once i get my doctor write them for me so i can get them on insurance
  8. M

    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    I tried ldn for few months, never really felt anything but might try again in future, i'm still currently on trt, weighting as much as always before, i'm seeing my doctor in few months and he is willing to try nandrolone if it would help me get my weight up. I'm very curious what really could be...
  9. M

    10 New Drugs That Could Change Your Life

    7. Aveed for Low Testosterone Chronically low T levels can zap your sex drive and energy, weaken your muscles, and darken your mood. This recently approved form of testosterone can stabilize your levels and bring relief in a long-acting injection delivered once every 10 weeks, Finnegan says...
  10. M

    Testosterone (HRT) and LDN

    i was on ldn along hrt for few months, didn't noticed anything positive.
  11. M

    Muscle building

    i hope gene therapy moves forward as fast as possible so we could get to the root of all of our problems and fix those.
  12. M

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    were you able to preserve almost all muscle mass on 100mg deca and 200mg test you gained when you were running deca and testosterone on higher dosages? my doctor prescribed me 200mg deca per week for next 3 months to see if it would help me to gain weight and relieve my symptoms.
  13. M

    Multiple Weekly Injections

    i'm 21yr old and been on trt last 10 months, currently injecting twice a week IM to my quads and glutes using 29g insuling syringes and i've been thinking the same thing as you've been but i haven't noticed any scar tissue building up since i'm using so small needle so not going to worry about...
  14. M

    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    okey, thanks a lot! i will update in my thread how things are going down.
  15. M

    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    what would be dosage for nandrolone if i can get my doctor to prescribed it? 100-200mg week?
  16. M

    Injection problems

    so you haven't notice scar tissue building up? i know that's the point of injecting as small needle as possible along with virtually no pip.
  17. M

    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    here is my latest bloodwork while being on about six months on trt, i'm currently on exact same protocol except i switched injecting subQ to IM because i'm using sustanon and it made lumps everysingle time i injected it subQ. (you already said everything was fine in my bloodwork that i posted in...
  18. M

    unintentional weight loss/inability to gain weight

    so long story short, 21 year old male who's been on trt almost 10 months sustanon 125mg weekly split to 2 shots, hcg 250iux2 week. i've always been very skinny/skinnyfat guy but last couple years when all symptoms started (fatigue,general weakness, throbbing/pressure feeling in head, weird...
  19. M

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    what kind of dosages did you use? you probably weren't almost constantly on deca that whole 10 years right? i've been almost 9 months on trt sustanon 125mg week and despite weight training and surplus calories my weight hasn't gone up more than couple pounds and i'm not more lean than before...
  20. M

    Updated blood work, 27 year old

    mind if i ask what was your exact protocol?
  21. M

    Does Testosterone Replacement Affect the Thyroid?

    some people it might lower thyroid levels but if it happens to you, you could start supplementing with iodine+selenium before thinking starting thyroid medication to see if that helps.
  22. M

    Interesting read about penile sensitivity issues

    i noticed my penile sensitivity greatly increased when i completely stopped masturbating and just started having more sex. first 3-4 sessions i couldn't even come no matter what the girl i was with did but slowly it started getting better and better and now i don't have any problem with it. i'm...
  23. M

    Miklu's Labs

    i got reverse t3 result back, now my doctor said that there is 2 different labs here in finland who do these tests and that results when taken same time can be like night and day so i don't know if this this really is right or what. rT3: 0.02 MAX 0.95 nmol/l can this really be so low?? when...
  24. M

    Possible side effects of TRT?

    so what's the thing with losing sensitivity? is it too high E2 that's causing it? i know my E2 is fine. i've been mildly experiencing same thing since i started trt even though libido is through the roof! current protocol sustanon 125mg weekly split to 2 IM injections along with 250iu hcg 2xweek.
  25. M

    Miklu's Labs

    Here are my thyroid labs+DHT results from earlier bloodwork. Serum DHT: 2.40 (1.03-2.92) nmol/l Potassium 4.4 (3.6-5.0) mmol/l Calsium 2.41 (2.15-2.51) mmol/l Serum Cortisol: 488 (138-690) nmol/l These labs were taken 9.30 A.M so i guess this would have been higher if taken more earlier like...
  26. M

    Miklu's Labs

    ok, could it be that i've had low t since birth and that's one reason why my ldl is so high? because i have reason to believe so since my mother was an alcoholic who drank when she was waiting me and my both brothers have mental problems so i wouldn't be suprised if i had all along low t and all...
  27. M

    Miklu's Labs

    so it's been a while since my last post and i've now been almost 6 months on TRT protocol 62,5mg Sustanon monday morning, thursday evening along with 250iu HCG injected same time. (changed to Subq Sustanon injections from IM 2 months ago). i know you wonder why i haven't posted labs after...
  28. M

    Lumps with subQ in injections

    yes i'm aware of that and i don't aspirate when injecting subq but i've been wondering is there a change i might inject into vein even when injecting subq? if i go too deep? i'm using 30g 8mm insulin needle and pushing needle straight in both when injecting T and hcg.
  29. M

    Lumps with subQ in injections

    Ok, thanks a lot for having patience to answer these same questions over and over again. so for example when injecting subcutaneously to abdomen, love handles, upper buttocks etc. there is small veins in subq tissue right? but since there ain't any major veins there is no really risk that you...
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    Lumps with subQ in injections

    Nelson, is there really no need to aspirate when doing deltoid injections with such a short needle?
  31. M

    HCG Dose Timing on E3D Test Cyp

    you can inject it IM but there ain't really reason to do more holes to your muscles if it ain't necessary so...
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