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    Morning wood when overdue for a dose

    51 year old male here. I'm taking 67 mg testosterone once every five days. No HcG. No anastrozole. I get tested every six months and my T level and estrogen levels are good. My hemacrit is on the high side. I give blood once every six months before I'm going to get tested to make sure my...
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    Breaking Sustanon 250 glass ampoule?

    I use Sustanon 250 I bought in India that comes in glass ampoules. I have not figured out a good way to open these. The glass is incredibly strong. When I try to snap just with my hand, I have crushed the glass completely a couple time, slicing up my hand and spilling the contents. I use gloves...
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    Lab results pre TRT -- thoughts?

    48 yo male. I did the Discounted Labs ED panel, because it included the key TRT tests and ED has been a problem, so I am particularly interested in that. Thoughts? Any suggestions on a TRT protocol? Specific question: the high Prolactin. Should I treat that, or would it be addressed in a generic...
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