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  1. T

    How fast does hematocrit decrease?

    So...My hematocrite's a little high (54) and I need it to go down a bit. Granted, it's high because I've increased my dosage to help with a tendon tear (full tear) and I've also been a bit dehydrated lately. For show, I need to decrease it a bit for my next blood test in order for my doctor's...
  2. T

    How long does it take to upregulate deiodinase enzymes?

    Hi, Does anyone know how long it will take the liver (?) to upregulate its' conversion from T4->T3? The reason I'm asking is that I'm going to cut my T3 (will continue on replacement doses of T4) and it would be interesting to know when I can expect to see changes. Cheers!
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