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  1. Mojo88

    Night sweats on TRT

    350mg/week is a big number. I'd go see a good T doc, you shouldn't need that much........
  2. Mojo88

    SubQ versus IM - do these both utilize the exact same Testosterone?

    I switched from IM to SubQ about a year ago. Much easier to self-inject, less pain, no muscle damage, etc. I'm doing 10mg/day, via 2 shots per week, total of 70mg/week. My urologist handles the HRT for me. I told him about the switch from IM to SubQ, and he made no mention of using a different...
  3. Mojo88

    BPH Treatments: Innovative New Technologies

    I had a second TURP done about a year ago. My first TURP lasted about 10 years, but then started having large PVR readings, so had to do something. I think you are wise investigating alternatives to the TURP. It works, but has side effects. And this second TURP that I had resulted in numerous...
  4. Mojo88

    Headaches TRT

    I've been drinking more water, usually with added electrolytes, and my headaches are virtually gone. Yes, there could be 100 other reasons for yours, but why not start experimenting with something simple and cheap.
  5. Mojo88

    Can someone take peek at my latest tests

    I'm 71 now, age is creeping up there, haha. Been on TRT for about 10 years, was doing IM for most of that time at 100mg/1x week. About 3 months ago, I switched to Sub-Q (which I much prefer to the IM), doing 30mg E3D (~70mg/week total), and I just got my first test results back. I would...
  6. Mojo88

    Can we gain mass with light weight and high repetitions?

    Great info gents, thanks for posting. I'm 71 and try to hit the gym almost every day. The only thing that holds me back is fear of injury (I've certainly had a few) and some nagging pains that remind me of my age.
  7. Mojo88

    Optimize blood glucose levels

    Damn, those are some great numbers. Now, if you were doing that WITHOUT the Metformin, I would be truly impressed. However, the more I learn about Metformin, the less reluctant I would be about taking it. I have heard of studies where overweight diabetics on Metformin have longer life expectancy...
  8. Mojo88

    Help me understand more than I do now

    I like this answer. You should become an expert on yourself, certainly depending on other qualified people for testing and advice. But when it comes to your own body, YOU are the only one that's truly going to be concerned and paying close attention. I've been playing the "up and down" game...
  9. Mojo88

    58 and Feel Great, But I Need to Be Better!

    Yes, I remember the Jim Fixx issue very well. That was the epitome of irony.
  10. Mojo88

    58 and Feel Great, But I Need to Be Better!

    I didn't see A1C in the first tests. A few years back, my fasting Glucose was 110 and I was totally shocked. I mean, I was hiking a few miles hard almost every day, working up good sweat. I thought diabetes was the least of my worries - WRONG! Then I started looking at my diet and found lots of...
  11. Mojo88

    58 and Feel Great, But I Need to Be Better!

    I'd cut back on the carbs, and eat earlier. Your Glucose is high. Should be fairly easy to get it lowered.
  12. Mojo88

    Switching from IM to Sub Q injections

    I was doing ~80mg 1x/week IM for about 10 years. 3 weeks ago, I switched to SubQ, mainly because I was worried about accumulated muscle fiber damage, and some of the IM injections were getting painful. I'm still doing 80mg/wk but split into two shots. I will be very curious to see my next blood...
  13. Mojo88

    Is IM T-Cyp different from SubQ T-Cyp?

    Excellent info ^^^^^^^ thanks!!
  14. Mojo88

    Is IM T-Cyp different from SubQ T-Cyp?

    Yep, yep ^^^^^^^^^ he mentioned the oil. I was very surprised, but he seems like a sharp guy, so I didn't argue.... trust but verify, haha. I'm having a hard time verifying though...
  15. Mojo88

    Is IM T-Cyp different from SubQ T-Cyp?

    I went to a new Primary care Doc today, and we discussed a few things. I told him my one and only med is ~80mg per week of Testosterone Cypionate, with TRT being overseen by my urologist. I told this new Doc that I had been doing 1x/wk IM, but have just switched to 2x/wk SubQ, and he surprised...
  16. Mojo88

    Your best ways to lower Hematocrit?

    Well, I decided to try #2 - did my first Sub-Q today. Very easy, and no damaged muscle fibers!
  17. Mojo88

    Enclomiphene - eye floaters?

    I developed horrible eye floaters after cataract surgery. Ended up with PVD in both eyes. Doc says all is OK, but nothing to be done (except dangerous vitrectomy). Anyway, about two years ago, I came across an interesting eye floater study that involved eating a slice or two of pineapple every...
  18. Mojo88

    Your best ways to lower Hematocrit?

    So I was looking at one of my emails from a body building site (I like to go to the gym, even at 70, haha), and they had the list below of 9 ways to lower Hematocrit. Mine was 54 when I was doing ~110mg T-Cyp IM per week, so the Doc said it needs to be lower. As per #1 in the list below, I...
  19. Mojo88

    BPH Treatments: Innovative New Technologies

    Interesting stuff, thanks for posting. I had a TURP about 10 years ago... PVR (post void residual) numbers have been increasing again, so going in for another TURP in 2 weeks. Long recovery with TURP (one to three months), but the outcome of the first one was great for me, worked much better...
  20. Mojo88

    Pain and swelling after needle stick in R thigh .. concerned

    OP, how'd you make out? Complete recovery? I wanted to add one thing about my slow-motion insertion technique... it seems to work pretty good for avoiding nerves. Just today, I started to insert needle and I could feel extra pain. So I moved the needle about 1/2" to another spot and it slid it...
  21. Mojo88

    Pain and swelling after needle stick in R thigh .. concerned

    I am not a doc or a pro at this stuff, but from the pic, it looks like you injected too close to the knee. I've been self-injecting (quads) for about 10 years now. At first, it seemed like I was hitting nerves and causing pain almost every time. Then I started to learn to jab (and withdraw) the...
  22. Mojo88

    T-Cyp dosage reduction - how much fatigue or other adverse effects?

    Thanks for all the info guys, I feel better already, haha! Vince, I think I will try your method of twice a week. But maybe I will just do 40mg per shot, that way I'll be getting 80mg/week, which is still a reduction (to keep my doc happy). Plus I do want to make sure and keep the hematocrit...
  23. Mojo88

    T-Cyp dosage reduction - how much fatigue or other adverse effects?

    So my Hematocrit has been climbing (now 51%) and my Doc (a urologist) said I needed to lower my dosing of T-Cyp, which I've been doing for about 10 years at 100mg/wk once E7D IM. About 3 weeks ago I started doing 65mg for my weekly shot, so that's a 33% reduction. But I am now feeling somewhat...
  24. Mojo88

    Please review my latest bloodwork

    Well, I'm definitely going to lower the dose a little. I know the doc is gonna want that, plus I want it too. I'd actually like to get off TRT, but not sure if that's feasible or desirable. I'm still working out and lifting some weights, so the T really helps with that.
  25. Mojo88

    Please review my latest bloodwork

    As the old adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words! Thanks, that's awesome.
  26. Mojo88

    Please review my latest bloodwork

    Thank you. Yes, I'm using Cypionate, and averaging 12mg per day. Can you perhaps point me to a reference source, perhaps a chart or Excel spreadsheet showing how dosage intervals affect blood levels? I don't understand how I could ever approach the 1,400 ng/dL you estimate. Thanks, very much
  27. Mojo88

    Please review my latest bloodwork

    Please take a peek at my latest bloodwork and offer some advice/opinions. I am 70 years old. I self-inject 120mg every 10 days. This latest blood draw was on day 4 after injection. Been doing TRT for about 9 years now, as my testicles can testify by their teeny size. Went to my doc today...
  28. Mojo88

    Needles blunted after penetrating vial

    Thanks for posting that pic!! That's terrific to have a definitive answer.
  29. Mojo88

    Needles blunted after penetrating vial

    Yep, I'm 99% convinced the needles (sometimes) are slightly dulled by poking into vial. I wish I knew someone with a high power microscope, I would compare a bunch of needles to get a definitive answer.
  30. Mojo88

    Needles blunted after penetrating vial

    What started this was: a couple of times, I had to push/jab the needle so hard to get it in that I grew suspicious about the tip of the needle. The vials I use are 1ml, and I'm a cheap bastard, so I try to get every last drop, which means I angle the needle in, which forces the needle to go...
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