i tried it, and felt like absolute shit. no libido boost but flushing+headache+weakness.
melatonan 2 which is a cousin, worked 100x better for me, melatonan 2+sun....insane boost
problem is you will turn dark, and since i tan dark quick already, m2 became over the top very quickly
not with selegline specifically, i have just general concerns with drugs which do have a long acting mechanism. doesn't it take like 6 months to recover from it? what if you got bad s/x you're in for a long ride?
I tried wellbutrin for zyn withdrawal (done it now without it). even at 150mg was anxious and felt like shit. don't have the issue with smaller doses instant release, something worth trying if XR is too much. seems like wellbutrin is one of the 'better' antidepressant meds out there
my mental health improved massively on TRT. i tried some vyvanse and dexedrine for focus, and both of them mess up sleep and should not be taken daily, 2-3x a week max IMO. i would also highly advice against SSRI's. zombifying drugs, hell to get off after longer term usage. i've been taking st...
i tried both armour thyroid 60mg and this NDT. I will stick with NDT as it seems to work as well, plus is a lot of cheaper and has a wider array of thyroid hormones. plus i pref cows to pigs.
it is complex for sure. i think the recomp effect is real, i would guess that it mainly has to do with calorie restrictions though and not thyroid up/down. on pure carnivore, which is the way to go with keto IMO, you just eat less. i had a hard time getting 2000cal in (at 3200 maintenance). i...
if thyroid hormones do a better job why does tsh go up then, not sure you would think it would go down? have not seen good evince yet (openminded as always).
my gym performance tanked hard on pure keto. NOT worth it, huge losses, even after months no recovery. I see 0 good reasons to be on keto...
my TSH was 2.5 on keto, now it is more like 1.5 (doing loose saladino diet). i tested once after a 48h fast and TSH went to 5. since i was already on TRT, no personal exp. with test, but heard I believe saladino? i believe for optimal Th functioning you need carbs/sunlight, i dont recall the...
so many amazing responses here. i too noticed that orgasm sensation varies. while not low carb anymore, i had a bit higher libido and better orgasms on keto. in non TRT people low carb can tank both thyroid and testosterone. i feel like stress can definitely worsen sex. high cortisol. One item i...
only reason you would want to wait 8 weeks if you switch from Cyp to let it clear. prop reaches steady level by day 3-4 or so. my personal exp. is that I reach rough peak 4h post injection. 2h post it does not show at all. i do subq. i mentioned this couple times i think, but the swings with...
yep, so that is a good tool to have if you lifestyle/diet doesn't match, or you plan on overeating, going out etc. on a day to day basis if everything is tuned in it seems a waste of money
IMHO berberine is beneficial if your diet is shit and you are pre-diabetic. TBH if you got fatigue after a meal you are eating garbage. i don't care if its organic oats or the best sounding shit out there, fatigue is absolutely not normal if you eat the proper foods. there might be some...
I don't need them. what i noticed, and i think many guys too, that not only you get better erections with it, it has added benefits, better gym pumps etc.
i use defy prop. i also tried UGL/ mct based prop. no diff tbh. to swings are expected.
and on prop it is day and night for me. i've ran a course of Tcyp lately for some time to finish some older defy cyp, no the same for sure.
not difficult. grok AI gives you good instructions lol. need benzyl alc, regular carnitine (not any of the l- etc versions), distilled water - or just buy bac water, i know pharmacies in poland for ex. sell it. they key is to get good quality carnitine. you can buy all stuff in EU 100%
I made my own. i have instructions somewhere. yes - some people say this is crazy lol.
defy/empower has IM/subq version, 500mg/1ml. various sites sell up to 600mg/1ml IM versions.
i tried cardarine - cause paradoxical reaction - felt like hell, could not lift from couch.
carnitine is good, especially injectable. oral works to, i use car-l-tartate, but you need higher doses and it causes GI issues at some level
i tried linorma t3 - felt like shit, revved/anxious, would not...
no, 0.11cc is 11mg Tprop as most will be 100mg/1ml (even ugl ones i've seen)
once the cyp clears your system, Tprop will take ~4 days to reach a steady state, but remember there will be variations in time of day when blood is taken. i personally reach the max 4h post injection
here is how I personally would approach, first of all, if you not supplementing pregnenolone (not clear from your response), start with this before doing anything other changes for a week or so
if you decide on Tprop I would start with exactly the same dose you do EOD. EOD with Tprop might not...
I do well on 210mg Tprop. and i am super sensitive get anxious quick guy. ~35mg/day is my upper limit, and I don[t think it is due to e2. just too revved up, tried 40mg/day and definitely too much, but I do believe that there is a very few guys who need 300mg/week to feel good.
there is no data...
any specific reason you would do that? i ran a test of 160mg telmi some time ago and no issues with potassium in diet + supplementing 200mg/day and never had my blood range of potassium go out of range. back to 40mg now. do you have blood work
there is definitely a point where e2 will cause mood issues, for me personally, while not sure exactly where, it is much much higher then 60pg/ml. currently I do run 50. your T is on the low side, which I assume is what you expect. I would highly suspect your anxiety is not T related. there is...
i don't recall the source, but the first dose of hcg has a relatively short half life and with time it levels, someone correct me on this. 3k is not that large. what i would do skip that week only and proceed next week as planned. also, you can get it from various sources very cheap
I don't remember sorry. I vaguely remember that I did once and it matched my first reading. when I was on Tcyp 150mg/week my levels were roughly what mi 1st AM reading is, so the peak of Tprop is much higher
protocol is highly individual, most guys run 120-180mg Tcyp/weekly range. some do great on HCG some don't. you need to do trial and error. for someone like me, with single digit shbg, Tprop at a daily dose of ~30mg is where i feel best, which is high end dose, with 3x1000IU HCG/week. but this...
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