Recent content by PSD-1

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  1. PSD-1

    Do my labs tell the tale?

    The set of labs with the TT are labs that I purchased myself before seeing my physician. Just wanting to see if it merited consulting my physician. After seeing my physician he want the additional labs which he ordered (E1, E2, and Prolactin labs). I believe he wanted the LC/MS E2. I ordered...
  2. PSD-1

    Do my labs tell the tale?

    Not sure which came first: the chicken or egg? I know some are studying TBI's effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. If I would've looked I would have found Will Brink's post on PTSD and TBI.
  3. PSD-1

    Do my labs tell the tale?

    Greetings, I've been on a steady decline physically for about two years now. Loss of strength, muscular endurance, fatigue, and cognitive function have been hallmarks. Most of my life has involved physical culture in some form or another, and have always maintained a high level...
  4. PSD-1

    New Member

    Greetings all, I've already found this forum to be a wealth of information. Hoping to continue learning, and possibly contribute to the conversation at some point.
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