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  1. L

    Permanently crashed my e2

    You were taking estrogen by itself??? No trt?
  2. L

    High e2 but low e2 symptoms?

    How did you solve your issues? I will admit I briefly did have 1 day of feeling half decent when I switched from IM to Subq but I figured it was my androgens falling and estrogens remaining elevated
  3. L

    High e2 but low e2 symptoms?

    Ohh okay gotcha, whyd you mention iron status? Just curious
  4. L

    High e2 but low e2 symptoms?

    Iron and ferritin are good, interesting that you say PFS as I seem pretty androgenic, main symptom of high androgenicity being a lot of body hair that just keeps growing.
  5. L

    High e2 but low e2 symptoms?

    Hey everyone, I've read all the other posts on this matter but I figured i'd make a new one incase I missed something. Summer of 2020 I foolishly took arimidex as it was my Dr's orders. Before adex I had all the "symptoms" of high e2 which really weren't bad at all just the typical oily skin...
  6. L

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    I was taking 0.25 EOD than the full 1mg at time of my injections. I quit the fin and decided to try the e2 cream which worked but stopped working :(. I went back on fin thinking maybe the e2 cream just wasnt enough and my dht is just to much but so far the feelings i got the first time on fin...
  7. L

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    back to feeling like crap. The cream stopped working im not sure why. Libido is completely gone again. My joints ache even more now. I dont remember the name of it I’ll check when I get home it was off amazon though.
  8. L

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    I had borderline “high” e2 on bloodwork but all low e2 symptoms although I cant get the sensitive estradiol test in Canada. Im guessing the standard test is grossly overestimating my e2 because it apparently cross reacts with CRP and I have elevated CRP.
  9. L

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Dosing 1mg every night before bed, on my inner arms. My current protocol is 150mg a week split into EOD injections but Im going to move to E5D to hopefully scew the ratio of T to E in favor of E of course without the use of the cream.This cream is seriously working though.My libido is now going...
  10. L

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Yep ground flaxseed, I’m day 5 into E2 cream and guess what? Loll symptoms are improving, my joints are already better my sleep is better no more hot flashes, itchy scalp is gone and my muscle are becoming more full. This confirma everything. Despite my low SHBG my body clearly doesnt like...
  11. L

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Whats your injection schedule look like? Also does your bloodwork show high estrogen while you were having the symptoms?
  12. L

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Still the same, the flax seed didn’t help at all. Im about to switch to infrequent dosing in hopes itll help
  13. L

    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    Hey Bmac have you ever used finasteride? I'm having the exact same issues as you guys and finasteride completely fixed it but made my hairloss even worse. I'm right back to having no pumps and libido now that I'm off of it. Also you said you're not from the US are you from Canada?
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