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    • J
      jfoo replied to the thread TRT and heart racing.
      Same, and it totally sucks. I'd love to be able to take T and not have any issues.
    • J
      jfoo reacted to Systemlord's post in the thread TRT and heart racing with Like Like.
      Me too, I get all the worst side effects possible. I can't even tolerate most supplements, especially DHEA and pregnenolone.
    • J
      jfoo replied to the thread TRT and heart racing.
      I would agree. I've always been hyper sensitive to any medications. I am trying to lower SHBG with boron. As my last test it was...
    • J
      jfoo replied to the thread TRT and heart racing.
      This is exactly the issue I have with exogenous T. I have no idea why it happens. I tried all form injection and creams. They only...
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