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Buy Lab Tests Online
  1. B

    9 weeks on TRT and doctor wants to stop for now.

    The test results are showing not the real picture T of 1500 sounds sky high but you injected Sunday and did labs on Monday at the peak. Labs should be done just before the injection.
  2. B

    Doc prescribed Test Cyp and nothing else

    The Every Other Week is proven to be a failure. Once a week would really only be a starting point with very high SHBG .... A start would be twice a week or M/W/F
  3. B

    Traveling and can’t take testosterone with me

    Hmmm another thought .... are doctors willing to prescribe T gel/cream for travel purposes? Much less likely tp draw attention and that should bridge between the injections nicely
  4. B

    Changed to subQ, why do I feel so damn tired?

    Why did you wait 11 days between your last weekly and your new EOD schedule? You waited 4 extra days and then injected less than before so your TT level should be in the basement Now you have to go through with the new routing for at least a few weeks to even make a call after tanking your TT SQ...
  5. B

    Where can I buy 27 Gauge 1 cc syringes?
  6. B

    New User unfamiliar with Test and trying to adjust dosage

    Your experience on Up and down points to the fact that the injection frequency is too low for you (and most) and should be increased from once a week. The SHGB would give us a starting point but twice a week (every 3.5 days) 50mg would be a start if you don't have labs. But labs for SHBG, TT...
  7. B

    First time using TRT and thinking about adjusting the dosage

    If you notice a decline through the week it might be an indicator for the need for more frequent injections. Your SHBG level can give you a starting point on the frequency. Myself I did M/W/F 150mg a week T 918 FT 14 > change E3.5d 180mg week T 980 FT28 so 180mg is on the higher end for me but...
  8. B

    New Protocol

    As we know everyone is different but I'm at 0.25mg IA twice a week with my twice a week 90mg shots (same dose as you). My E 35 with no high E symptoms. I would start with the 0.25 tabs and see how it goes (unless your last 2 years showed you the answer already - prior dosages and labs should be...
  9. B

    Poll- HCG use while on TRT

    0 - no idea as I used it from the start When I go on vacation I stop using it for a couple of weeks and felt no difference (I'm primary)
  10. B

    Initial Blood test and start of TRT

    My TT / FT and SHBG numbers were kinda close to the above (315/9/23 or something like this) before starting 150mg T (split M/W/) + 2*400IU HCG > afterwards 916/14/33 (labcorp values) ... while the TT was top of the range my FT improved only from 9>14 around lower midrange that was my first...
  11. B

    Is .25mg really 1/4 of a milligram

    They one easy method to add accuracy to your method is to increase the number of "servings" if you try to weigh 0.25mg you would need a very very good scale but if you empty 10 tabs and see if that is 2.5mg your scale only has to be very good
  12. B

    First follow up labs: feedback appreciated

    With and SHBG of 18 EOD or even daily should help you use more of the T > get the numbers higher and in turn you need less mg to achieve the same result and possibly control E better
  13. B

    Lack of Orgasm and Weak ejaculation on testosterone injections.

    340mg Test is a lot a week as the average used here on the board is probably not even half of that (not judging just stating) With the low SHBG you should consider EOD or ED injections HCG 30iu daily seems to be very low as I use 400IU twice a week
  14. B

    I'm starting TRT without a doctor, here's my plan.

    Hi, with a SHBG of 20 (lower end of the spectrum) more frequent injections might give you better results. Mine was 23 and the doc suggested M/W/F so in your case I would start M/W/F or EOD and adjust as needed after a few month
  15. B

    Stable state AI

    Hi, With T the dosing frequency depends on SHBG etc and after a while a stable state is reached. How often would you need to take Anastrozole to ensure to create a stable environment as the half life is much shorted compared to T. If 0.7mg (just a number that is easy are needed per week would...
Buy Lab Tests Online