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  1. B

    Modafinil specifically used for shift work sleep disorder [shift workers]

    Seems like anything that does what this does , would have some sort of long term effects. I got mine in today took 100mg out of 200 to start. Got shitty sleep , but feel awake/alert. Not like adderall at all which i use to have a script for but quit, not like caffeine either. Look forward to...
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    Modafinil specifically used for shift work sleep disorder [shift workers]

    Yea I read through this. They use for energy not SWSD...
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    Modafinil specifically used for shift work sleep disorder [shift workers]

    Any experiences for this specific use? Shift work 8 years now and am nodding off around 3 AM, then dont sleep enough, i wake up at 1 to 2 pm and can't sleep any more, I looked up SWSD and the sleep pattern pretty much fits, one of this drugs intentions is SWSD. Caffeeine 200mg doesn't work...
  4. B

    Low ferritin, high HCT/RBC, donate? what dosage for iron?

    Right leftover food as well! Although I can't recall adding a lot of pork or shrimp when i first had onset symptoms though, but it was 2 months ago... And yes anti-histamines are bad long term too, zertec as well... Maybe i need to just go back to strict beef. And monitor symptom relief. Or...
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    Low ferritin, high HCT/RBC, donate? what dosage for iron?

    Do even with near high HCT and RBC interesting. I read something on the histamine thing.. though i eat a carnivore diet which should have near zero histamine causing things, meat fish chicken and salt no other spices.. So try a benadryl pre workout? I will look into copper rbc if able to...
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    Low ferritin, high HCT/RBC, donate? what dosage for iron?

    no one has any input/ideas? Any one tried 1,200 mg of grapefruit seed extract? For lowering HCT, i've read 600mg seems standard dose
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    Test results looking to make a decision

    go by symptoms, i personally wouldnt start at the highest, maybe 100-150mg, i started at 100, still adjusting dosage.
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    Low ferritin, high HCT/RBC, donate? what dosage for iron?

    T dosage 140mg split daily. started iron glycinate 100mg EOD based on this study showing superior absorption vs ED dosing, yes it was done in women. -other intake caffeine 200mg day of lab draw and daily -Donated last 9/20/2019 -high meat diet no prior ferritin labs to compare Symptoms...
  9. B

    cardarine use , stomach issues/blood sugar, Who has used it?

    does this stuff make any one itchy while at the gym? or cialais known to do so, only pre worouts i take, those and a caffeine tablet. But the itchy only recently started
  10. B

    high cortisol levels

    whats diet like? sleep? stressors? do they suspect pitutiary tumor possible? TSH? dexamethasone ? ".. prolonged elevated cortisol levels can increase anxiety, sap energy, and interfere with your body's ability to heal. " Just from google though
  11. B

    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    DHT can try scrotal cream or underground proviron, other things I've read but one can Google "raise DHT" Or if a doctor will RX it I've read varying things on if a doctor can/can't. Prolactin I'm not as sure about. Preg/ DHEA can Supplement. Progesterone possibly but unsure I'd want to. DHT...
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    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    I got lucky. She ordered DHEA and prolactin. Dont think ice ever had the others. Showed her a book I was reading definitive guide to TRT she agreed to those dunno why..
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    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    agreed, i've been through 3 now though it's sad..
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    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    ya ive stated those symptoms multiple times he doesnt give a damn. -low energy -low libido -depressive symptoms -ed issues -low motivation He just doesnt care
  15. B

    cardarine use , stomach issues/blood sugar, Who has used it?

    I never knew ketones and endurance,thank you. Running does seem to be getting easier, mind you this was my third time running in over 6 years. Nore are my legs calfs as sore, as the first time on treadmill i do 1 mile run at 6.0 -8.0 with a short warm up/cool down walk at 3.0...
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