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  1. B

    Modafinil specifically used for shift work sleep disorder [shift workers]

    Seems like anything that does what this does , would have some sort of long term effects. I got mine in today took 100mg out of 200 to start. Got shitty sleep , but feel awake/alert. Not like adderall at all which i use to have a script for but quit, not like caffeine either. Look forward to...
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    Modafinil specifically used for shift work sleep disorder [shift workers]

    Yea I read through this. They use for energy not SWSD...
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    Modafinil specifically used for shift work sleep disorder [shift workers]

    Any experiences for this specific use? Shift work 8 years now and am nodding off around 3 AM, then dont sleep enough, i wake up at 1 to 2 pm and can't sleep any more, I looked up SWSD and the sleep pattern pretty much fits, one of this drugs intentions is SWSD. Caffeeine 200mg doesn't work...
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    Low ferritin, high HCT/RBC, donate? what dosage for iron?

    Right leftover food as well! Although I can't recall adding a lot of pork or shrimp when i first had onset symptoms though, but it was 2 months ago... And yes anti-histamines are bad long term too, zertec as well... Maybe i need to just go back to strict beef. And monitor symptom relief. Or...
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    Low ferritin, high HCT/RBC, donate? what dosage for iron?

    Do even with near high HCT and RBC interesting. I read something on the histamine thing.. though i eat a carnivore diet which should have near zero histamine causing things, meat fish chicken and salt no other spices.. So try a benadryl pre workout? I will look into copper rbc if able to...
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    Low ferritin, high HCT/RBC, donate? what dosage for iron?

    no one has any input/ideas? Any one tried 1,200 mg of grapefruit seed extract? For lowering HCT, i've read 600mg seems standard dose
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    Test results looking to make a decision

    go by symptoms, i personally wouldnt start at the highest, maybe 100-150mg, i started at 100, still adjusting dosage.
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    Low ferritin, high HCT/RBC, donate? what dosage for iron?

    T dosage 140mg split daily. started iron glycinate 100mg EOD based on this study showing superior absorption vs ED dosing, yes it was done in women. -other intake caffeine 200mg day of lab draw and daily -Donated last 9/20/2019 -high meat diet no prior ferritin labs to compare Symptoms...
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    cardarine use , stomach issues/blood sugar, Who has used it?

    does this stuff make any one itchy while at the gym? or cialais known to do so, only pre worouts i take, those and a caffeine tablet. But the itchy only recently started
  10. B

    high cortisol levels

    whats diet like? sleep? stressors? do they suspect pitutiary tumor possible? TSH? dexamethasone ? ".. prolonged elevated cortisol levels can increase anxiety, sap energy, and interfere with your body's ability to heal. " Just from google though
  11. B

    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    DHT can try scrotal cream or underground proviron, other things I've read but one can Google "raise DHT" Or if a doctor will RX it I've read varying things on if a doctor can/can't. Prolactin I'm not as sure about. Preg/ DHEA can Supplement. Progesterone possibly but unsure I'd want to. DHT...
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    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    I got lucky. She ordered DHEA and prolactin. Dont think ice ever had the others. Showed her a book I was reading definitive guide to TRT she agreed to those dunno why..
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    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    agreed, i've been through 3 now though it's sad..
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    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    ya ive stated those symptoms multiple times he doesnt give a damn. -low energy -low libido -depressive symptoms -ed issues -low motivation He just doesnt care
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    cardarine use , stomach issues/blood sugar, Who has used it?

    I never knew ketones and endurance,thank you. Running does seem to be getting easier, mind you this was my third time running in over 6 years. Nore are my legs calfs as sore, as the first time on treadmill i do 1 mile run at 6.0 -8.0 with a short warm up/cool down walk at 3.0...
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    cardarine use , stomach issues/blood sugar, Who has used it?

    they also used large doses, anything in a large dose over that period of time can cause cancer... "The lowest dosage showing cancer cell proliferation in an animal model being 3 mg/kg/day in Han Wistar rats for a period of 104 weeks 104weeks lolol" Stomach issues seem to have gone, also...
  17. B

    Requesting advice on problems in lab work

    my SHBG was 22, and do daily injections. A DHEA supplement may consider researching/trying as well
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    Test results after 6 weeks

    what is your free test and SHBG ?
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    Should father start TRT age 61

    based on his carb intake yes probably.. Told him to drink more water and start going to the gym again,all up to him to do in the end.. as well as why water is important He also does 5mg cialis for nocturia, BP cuff is a good idea ty
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    Should father start TRT age 61

    I did start him 2 weeks ago or so ,on two 50 mg shots a week.. - he has some shortness of breath with activity and more sleep apnea episodes which are worrying [ from his bi pap montioring] -he is overweight and a large waist line, -poor diet, -hasnt got back in to the gym yet *He use to...
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    Should father start TRT age 61

    he got through his doctor
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    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    with my insurance if doc orders its covered, previous doctor did some of them , so its not about medical necessity its his opinion. Since one doc did and now new one wont. I am looking for medical literature to attempt to educate him though. yes discount labs is about 300$ or so
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    Should father start TRT age 61

    that's not a medical reason not to do daily, its a preference. Medical is what i am looking for which no one seems able to give every day is simple and takes less than 10 sec.. I started him 2 shots a week 50 mg each. He seems to be having shortness of breath already and some...
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    How to get doc to view other labs as necessary

    DHEA-S, DHT, prolactin, pregnenolone, progesterone, HS-CRP States none are medically necessary anyone have pubmed articles on hand or others that relate their importance in TRT. I've found articles that explain what they do, but i doubt he will acknowledge them as they arent "medical"...
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    cardarine use , stomach issues/blood sugar, Who has used it?

    --Found out its carrier liquid is PEG 400-- only study i saw was 20mg two times a day, but that can get expensive. Decent fat loss occurred at week 6/ 10 i think. If 10mg becomes tolerable worth it to do 20mg two times a day? Unsure related had stomach grumbles first day or so taking 10mg...
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    low DHEA-S via labs, supplement?>

    i only had the few symptoms. Have since cut dose to 150mg/week and droped Hcg. I also wonder about my prolactin and pregnenolone as they can relate to orgasm/ mood . as well as the elevated E2
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    Should father start TRT age 61

    can you guys make separate thread please, it snot even relevant
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    Should father start TRT age 61

    This is like way off track of original topic really
  29. B

    High hematocrit again Hct test was like 15$.Unless they did ablood drawiwouldnt trust their hgb/hct gizmo. Hydration also plays a role caffiene etc
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    Should father start TRT age 61

    so arguemtns i hear against ED dosing.. -its a hassle to do - the positives i have read may not be true Mostly its inconvenient im some peoples views, but nothing negative health wise. Have to let him decide after he does some injections andtracks his symptoms for a month or so
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