Blood test help

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I hope its okay to ask you guys to help me with this. I have attached a blood work order from my doc and all I need to know if all of the tests he ordered would be included if I did the Hormone & Wellness Panel for Men on


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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
No, you are missing a ton of labs.

This is what you need:

Testosterone Total
Testosterone Bioavailable
Estradiol (“sensitive” assay only)
Testosterone Free
Prolactin (if sexual dysfunction is present)
Thyroid: TSH, FT4, FT3 RT3, Antibodies
My doc will take blood work from which ever lab I choose. Since I have been doing this quite a while, been on HRT for now almost 2 years, and been on this site extensively, I know what my numbers should be. Considering I am now paying for this on my own, I use discount labs for all of my blood work (I switched from my pervious insurance coverage to now self coverage). Since I have a quite a long history with my doc, we work together to get things were they should be. Most of us are aware that there is a suggested set of blood tests that has been posted on this site. For many, getting all of the recommended blood tests may be quite expensive. What I don't know (and have not researched) is if the Hormone and Wellness Panel for Men on covers everything on that list. If anyone knows that answer off the top of their head, let me know.
My doc will take blood work from which ever lab I choose. Since I have been doing this quite a while, been on HRT for now almost 2 years, and been on this site extensively, I know what my numbers should be. Considering I am now paying for this on my own, I use discount labs for all of my blood work (I switched from my pervious insurance coverage to now self coverage). Since I have a quite a long history with my doc, we work together to get things were they should be. Most of us are aware that there is a suggested set of blood tests that has been posted on this site. For many, getting all of the recommended blood tests may be quite expensive. What I don't know (and have not researched) is if the Hormone and Wellness Panel for Men on covers everything on that list. If anyone knows that answer off the top of their head, let me know.

Call and ask them.
It's in the more details:

Here is what is included in that panel:

Hormone & Wellness Panel for Men [h=3]About This Test[/b] This panel will provide a baseline overview of your sex hormones, thyroid gland, adrenal function, metabolic function, and overall health. Includes:
Lipid Panel
Testosterone free and total
Estradiol Ultrasensitive LC/MS/MS
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