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just had some labs done and my levels have crept up to 50.5 ....I am normally under 50.

Researching this I have picked up on a couple of items and wondered if any other members have come across these.
If you dig deep enough you can find a connection between high e2 and increased htc....as I never had my e2 tested i am not sure where I am. But I know I am backing down my ai to .25 a week so this may be a possibility.
The other item is to remove red meats out of your diet as this can push up your iron levels and in turn push up your htc....well to be honest I dont have a lot of red meat but I supplement heavy with L-carnosine which seems to really help with my strength in the gym....
I currently take high omega 3 oil and I am thinking of adding a baby aspirin a day to see if that will help as well.
I noticed Nelson had an issue the other week where his htc spiked and he quickly went of to donate...
So not sure if this is 2 years on my T therapy causing this or whether something has prompted this to kick in.
I drink lots of water each day to help counter...

Thoughts pls guys
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
50.5 is not too bad. How long have you been on TRT. CBC test is inexpensive, before my HCT stabilized I was checking it very 3 months.
50.5 is not too bad. How long have you been on TRT. CBC test is inexpensive, before my HCT stabilized I was checking it very 3 months.

Hi Vince
Been on T-Gel now around 2 years...started of with 2 applications a day then upped it to 3 doses a day .....150mg in total along with 5mg of prog.......T level is now in upper range, free T good as well.
Has always been below 50 ...last labs showed 48.5 ...& then 49.
I have recently introduced an different moisturizer which seems to really help with the gel up-take.
This has also pushed my T levels up into the upper ranges which correlates with the better absorption.
May have to back it down if it continues to rise....
If you're feeling good at that level, I would just check HCT again. Make sure it stays in a good range, hopefully it was just a fluke.
Wouldn't hurt to go donate a pint of blood just to stay in front of this. You don't want it to get too high and then have to get on a frequent phlebotomy schedule. I don't feel anything up to a HCT of 51, but for me anything over that it becomes symptomatic and I don't like it at all.
48.5 and 49 are statistically might as well be the same thing...could be anything including your hydration that day, time of your blood draw...it's a change of no concern.
I dont feel anything until i hit 58-59. I have not been under 50 for years, even before trt. We are all different
As you say guys could just be a spike and not a trend...so I have booked CBC again for three months time just to keep an eye on things.
I was just wondering if any other member had modified their diet or supps to help matters stay on the right side of the line.

As you say guys could just be a spike and not a trend...so I have booked CBC again for three months time just to keep an eye on things.
I was just wondering if any other member had modified their diet or supps to help matters stay on the right side of the line.


My levels were at 45 before I got on TRT and have stabilized at 49. I, like you, was concerned, but was told by Dr. Morgantaler that this was fine and that he doesn't consider it an issue until 55 as long as you are not symptomatic.

As as far as supplementation, I take 2400 fish oil daily and have added grapefruit seed extract, 250 twice daily. Not sure if this helps, but I do it anyway as the fish oil has been a staple for years. My view is that everyone is different and if you try to micromanage everything the solution could exacerbate the problem. Abaraham Morganthaler and Dr. John Crisler both have said that high hematocrit is not the problem that many think, at least not until symptoms occur. My blood pressure is the indicator I look at and I tend to hover at around 120/80, with a slightly highe number on days that I have worked out in the morning with resistance bands.

Be sure to do some hard cardio training of some times per week. You could always give some blood if you wanted the peace of mind. Just keep in mind, as many have said, we are all different.
As you say guys could just be a spike and not a trend...so I have booked CBC again for three months time just to keep an eye on things.
I was just wondering if any other member had modified their diet or supps to help matters stay on the right side of the line.

I really believe it's just a fluke, I would add in the baby aspirin and have CBC in three months. Looks like you're doing all the right things.
I really believe it's just a fluke, I would add in the baby aspirin and have CBC in three months. Looks like you're doing all the right things.

Thanks guys.

I live here in the Uk. I work with 2 sets of docs ......it was my local GP who flagged this up in a routine blood T...and started flappin hence why I thought i had better cover my back.
Wasn't overly concerned but my BP had stepped us as well, within range but on the higher side, hence the note of caution.
I have a meeting with my private doc in Dec after my full labs.... so I will know more then.
As Vince points out I might just add the baby Aspirin to my regime. I take high dose fish oil at the mo and keep an eye on my BP.

Vince, anyway you could post a question about what hematocrit levels guys run at like you did the one on AI? I think it would be interesting and might help a lot of guys with concerns.
just had some labs done and my levels have crept up to 50.5 ....I am normally under 50.

But I know I am backing down my ai to .25 a week so this may be a possibility.

You do realise that backing down your AI could raise your E2 and not reduce it? Increasing your AI definitely decreases your E2.
Like others have said. 50.5 is nothing to worry about. Go donate blood instead of messing around with baby aspirin etc. Aspirin will not reduce your hematocrit and your hematocrit is not in a dangerous level to warrant its use. If your hematocrit has been close to 50 in the past a 50.5 reading is not statistically different. Might be you were a bit dehydrated.
Donating blood is the best idea so in case you are indeed having an increase in hematocrit due to TRT you will not be in a position where your hematocrit is too high and you will be either unable to donate or have to donate many times in a roll. Once you donate just get a CBC done every couple of months and see if the numbers stabilize. If not you can investigate further. For me drinking grapefruit juice seems to be working well to keep hematocrit under control. But have in mind tha grapefruit interacts with many drugs so always good to check that before starting drinking grapefruit daily.
For me neither testosterone levels nor estradiol levels seems to have much of a effect on the velocity of hematocrit increase. Total testosterone levels as low as 650 to as high as 1300 resulted in the same increase pace of my hematocrit. My estradiol has been as low as 10 to as high as 38 (sensitive test) and no obvious changes as well.
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