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Fellas I need you! I posted my first thread here yesterday about my journey and to say that I had my first TRT+HCG shot yesterday morning. Felt pretty good all day but I know it was from the b12, not the T, anyways it was a good day till last night. Had one of the most horrible nights I have he in 2 maybe 3 years. Had 2 full blown panic attacks last night. I was about to fall asleep then I felt my heart rate go higher and higher and it just triggered the panic attack! Started around 12 am and stayed up in full panic/anxiety but mode till about 2ish with super high anxiety, took a .25 Xanax and only eased it enough for me to kinda fall asleep but not 2 hrs into sleep I woke up soaked in sweat from head to toe then it hit me again! This whole time my heart rate was from 105-120 at the highest!

I'm on probably 4 hrs sleep! Still while I'm typing my heart rate is anywhere around 107-111 and my anxiety is on 100! Has anyone experienced this before? My normal resting heart rate in 60-70ish due to Hypo. I've been from 107-120 max (4 am) "resting" in bed....
Guys I need some input I'm kinda freaking out.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor

I would go see a doctor soon. You should go through a cardio work-up and probably get on a beta blocker or Buspar for the short term until your heart rate elevations are managed.

When you had the panic attack, what was going through your mind? Any history of panic attacks in the past? Any current life experiences that are worrying you? Are you taking any other medications besides TRT and Xanax? Do you have Xanax at home because you have had this happen before?

I am not sure if you have posted your latest blood work.That would help.

Hang in there and try to get some sleep today to compensate for your sleep deficit. Sleep deficits worsen anxiety.

I would go see a doctor soon. You should go through a cardio work-up and probably get on a beta blocker or Buspar for the short term until your heart rate elevations are managed.

When you had the panic attack, what was going through your mind? Any history of panic attacks in the past? Any current life experiences that are worrying you? Are you taking any other medications besides TRT and Xanax? Do you have Xanax at home because you have had this happen before?

I am not sure if you have posted your latest blood work.That would help.

Hang in there and try to get some sleep today to compensate for your sleep deficit. Sleep deficits worsen anxiety.

I have General Anxiaty Disorder/Health Anxiety. Was prescribed low dose of Xanax years ago. I only use it when needed, I've only filled it up 4 times in a 2+ years span but I do keep it by my night stand just in case. I have had 2 really bad panick attacks a few years ago (both exactly a week apart due to stress) that triggered the anxiety. The first as I was waking up to get ready to go to work, the second early morning at work. The second one they kept me in the hospital for 2 days to run all kinds of tests and scans just in case because I got the side numbingness with the panic attack and the brain blanks. Like I couldn't communicate with them right, I would fumble my worlds a lot that day in the hospital. So again they kept me and hooked me up to all kinds of stuff, put me tubes and all kids if blood work. And after the second they they said I was okay and to try and avoid the stress. Easier said then done but a free I was left with anxiety and worse, health anxiety. I began to read books and subscribe to podcast (which I still listen to till this day) and I learned a lot and eased it off quit a bit. The only way it really acts up is A super stress at work (slow economy) or B my thyroid levels are off.

This last month has been super stressful but I've come to learn and kinda manage my anxiety, I have had a couple small panic attacks but I've let them run there course and have taught myself not to fear them. I do get heart palps (thuds and every once in a while a super fast beat but a simple cough gets it back to normal) have had 2 Drs tell me they were cause the stress (before found out I was hypo) and as well as when my thyroid is out of wack. One also told me to take some magnisium, I take one (150 mg) pill before bed. And I take allergy pill because this fall has been hell for my allergies but that's it.

I was watching a movie, it ended and began to lay my head and go to sleep, I sleep with music or podcasts at night but this time I noticed (ear buds in you can feel you heart beating) that my heart was beating kinda fast. I opened my eyes and checked my pulse and I could feel it a lot higher than normal rest rate anyways. From ther it snowballed, I got up and it started racing more and I got the old sensation of when my first pair attack hit me and that was it. My wife woke up and tried talking me down and i had conversations with her to easy it and try to ride it but it was a strong one so I went for the Xanax. Mind you my pills are .25 the lowest dose and when I do take it I split it in half and that's good enough for me, well I took a whole .25 and 30-40 minutes later in eased down enough for me to try and sleep but again I woke up because I could steel feel my heart rate and this time I woke up soaking in sweat. That made me flip out even more so I toke a 1/4 a pill and went outside to get some fresh air, huffed in a brown bag and then took a warm shower. It eased me enough to finally get in about 2 hrs sleep before my sons soccer game.
The only difference between these and the past ones is that I didn't let myself hyperventilate (before I thought I was having a heart attack and made myself hyperventilate and almost passed out both times) and I tried calling myself down talking to my wife and trying to let them ride but they were so intense I did think maybe I should call 911 but I didn't want to put my kids threw that again.

I called my dr earlier, she goes to her hormone clinic on Saturdays and she said it could be that my body got over flooded with T and kinda in a way freaked out cause it was a more hormone than its been use to? She also said next Friday it's going to be 100 rather than 200 and without the HCG. Maybe the combo hit me different and since I have GAD it reacted different. She says she does get told about some feeling jittery the couple days after with injections? In some anyways but I'm her first with a full blown panic attack X2

I've googled and seen some have had anxiety attack themselves or sometime it ups the anxiety but I also seen where some say it lowers he heck out of their anxiety but again yesterday was my first day and it was a 200 shot along with HCG and lipo b and b12

Now I'm tired, anxious and on the edge about maybe another one hitting me again? Not a good way to start this
As of right now I'm at around 90pm while trying to take a nap, a bit calmer too.

I also seen that some people's heart rate does go up on trt so I guess it's not un common?
Hopefully your body is only adjusting to your new levels of testosterone, it did take time for my body to adjust to TRT. In different ways then you, I had flu like symptoms for two weeks.
As of right now I'm at around 90pm while trying to take a nap, a bit calmer too.

I also seen that some people's heart rate does go up on trt so I guess it's not un common?

It is not typical. Your dose of 200mg of testosterone, however, is at the topic of the therapeutic range. Cutting it in half, as you indicated you were going to do, may help you manage your anxiety. It is certainly a more healthy approach to TRT in the early stages. Do try and get some genuine sleep today...all the best.
Just took a good 2 hr nap, really don't want to sleep a lot more so I can get some sleep tonight. Checked Hr and still in the 100s. From 100-108 ranges. Man this isn't helping me relax, it's playing into my anxiety
Also me and my Dr decided to go 100 every weeks but for whatever reason she gave me a starting injection of 200. To go along with the HCG and lipo b and b12. Kinda wish I would've spoke up and said 100 would be okay with me.
Also me and my Dr decided to go 100 every weeks but for whatever reason she gave me a starting injection of 200. To go along with the HCG and lipo b and b12. Kinda wish I would've spoke up and said 100 would be okay with me.

Don't about what is already completed. Can you get out, take a good -long - walk?
Don't about what is already completed. Can you get out, take a good -long - walk?

Yea, your right. It's just when your in an elevated anxious space caused by a bad "trauma" it plays into your fears and your on constant edge. I haven't felt this anxious in a long time and it's because I haven't had a full blown bad panic attack in a long time. Also doesn't help it came out of nowhere.

I'm starting to wonder if my body is just reacting or using the new b12 in my system? Yesterday I felt really good all day long, I felt I had energy but nothing that had me anxious just nice and awake feeling as soon as I left the Dr. office. I wasn't aware of my heart rate either, just knew I felt more awake. Maybe it was elevated (HR) all day long just when it was bed time (my relax time) I happen to finally feel it, I was in my most relaxed state?

Maybe the added T and added b12 has my bodies energy levels higher than I have had in a loooong time and when it was time to shut off my body was still putting it to use? but now after the panic attacks my body is in it's fight or flight stage. The Dr. didn't seem to be too concerned but trust me guys, after a panic attack you go full question mode and fearful with a constant something bad is about to happen feeling.

I really do appreciate you guys responding to me and in a way consoling me. Damn panic attacks F*ing suck and worse when they come out of nowhere after not having any in a long time. I'm just kinda dreading bed time now, and it's going to be a bit tricky for me to get back to my "okay this is the next step in getting this anxiety back in check" or " okay now relax we got this, it's nothing" mindset. I haven't need to be in that mind state in a long time cause I didn't have a real need for it.
Did you see some improvement in sleep?

Yes sir, after reading your message I thought to myself "why not" I've learned that in an anxious state I can't just sit around, I have to do something or it will keep on manifesting itself. It was kinda hard because like I said I haven't had a bad panic attack in years so the trauma was kinda new again, for a minute it felt like I forgot what got me not be afraid of them. I got myself to not be afraid of panic attacks before but that night it brought the fear back.
I follow a guy by the name of bignoknow on Twitter, he posts awesome, inspiring videos on YouTube about his journey. In one he says "My feet will get me to where my mind will soon follow" I've liked that message/quote since the first time I heard him say it and when you posted your message it you reminded me of it and so I went for it.
So yesterday evening/night my wife and I went to the track , beautiful cool weather and walked a couple miles. Felt good, we haven't been in a few months since the kids started school again and our afternoons consist of homework. Then we went by the grocery store after picking the kids up from their grandparents. Still a little on edge but it was cause the adrenaline was still being burned. Got home, took a warm shower and then relaxed. Took my magnisium pill and a 1/2 of a .25 Xanax just in case lol but I felt good anyways. Had a good night my friend and thanks for checking up on me!

I still think it was a combo of the b12 and T making my body feel like "all these new hormones and vitamins where do we start?!" Today my HR is back to my normal and I feel good.

Thank You my friend.
Also, I think when I go back next Friday for the next T injection I'm going to ask her about checking my adrenals. I have pretty much every single symptom of adrenal fatigue down to the tired all day and wide awake at night, I have all the others but that one is he one that has me convinced. Plus it doesn't help that last month was one of the most stressful months I have had I a long time (slow economy, machinery breakdowns which nearly drained wallet, and just everyday stress all come down hard last month all at once) add to that I had to buy a new ac unit system right around the same week as my big tuck breaking down $$$$$ and more $$$$$ I don't have anymore. A lot in one single month while trying to get my thyroid back up. A bit to handle I say lol. Maybe my adrenals are a bit shot lol
No to trivialize what is happening to you, as I also have an anxiety disorder, but it seems that it is all psychosomatic. When we continuously check our pulse and are anxious about it, it will go up. Same thing with blood pressure. It is possible that you are just anxious about being on new meds and are looking for issues subconsciously and causing yourself anxiety.
No to trivialize what is happening to you, as I also have an anxiety disorder, but it seems that it is all psychosomatic. When we continuously check our pulse and are anxious about it, it will go up. Same thing with blood pressure. It is possible that you are just anxious about being on new meds and are looking for issues subconsciously and causing yourself anxiety.

I know that one, the thing is I heard it/fet it right as I was closing my eyes and it just triggered. I have had mini attacks were I can breath them out, just lie in my bed and ride them out and I'm cool but Friday was something else. I haven't had those kinds in years and I only have had 2 really bad ones (ambulance ride and all) and those were almost as bad. I didn't hyperventilate this time or get confused but they were really intense and it triggered my anxiety to another level I haven't had it in a long time.
I know that one, the thing is I heard it/fet it right as I was closing my eyes and it just triggered. I have had mini attacks were I can breath them out, just lie in my bed and ride them out and I'm cool but Friday was something else. I haven't had those kinds in years and I only have had 2 really bad ones (ambulance ride and all) and those were almost as bad. I didn't hyperventilate this time or get confused but they were really intense and it triggered my anxiety to another level I haven't had it in a long time.

Let it go and live in the moment.
Hey man I know exactly what you are going through. I also have GAD and manage it with lexapro and Xanax. I'm the type to always check my pulse and BP and freak out about it.

People like us will be extra sensitive to any new sensation or feeling in our bodies which ends up exacerbating whatever it is we feel. That can then blow up into a full blown panic attack.

The night for me is also the worst. Sometimes I will wake up with my heart racing. This used to push me over the edge into a full blown artack. What works for me is watching reruns of king of the Hill on my DVR. For some reason Hank always calms me down! 😄

With 200mg of test and B12 you got quite a jolt of energy and I'm sure the anxiety just kept it going and going. For me after starting TRT my HR has risen from about 52 (too low honestly) to about 75 and I actually feel much better now.

No skipped beats or heart flutters at the new heart rate. Good luck man!
Hey man I know exactly what you are going through. I also have GAD and manage it with lexapro and Xanax. I'm the type to always check my pulse and BP and freak out about it.

People like us will be extra sensitive to any new sensation or feeling in our bodies which ends up exacerbating whatever it is we feel. That can then blow up into a full blown panic attack.

The night for me is also the worst. Sometimes I will wake up with my heart racing. This used to push me over the edge into a full blown artack. What works for me is watching reruns of king of the Hill on my DVR. For some reason Hank always calms me down! 😄

With 200mg of test and B12 you got quite a jolt of energy and I'm sure the anxiety just kept it going and going. For me after starting TRT my HR has risen from about 52 (too low honestly) to about 75 and I actually feel much better now.

No skipped beats or heart flutters at the new heart rate. Good luck man!

Aww see you get me lol. I was tripping that night, my pulse shot up to 120 at one point and stayed around the 105-110 that whole night and next day till around 8pm or so (when I went for that walk). No sleep, 2 bad attacks back to back so and I didn't like it only cause it brought back that fear after an attack that bad fight or flight. I'm good now, when that super scary worst case scenario feeing pops up I put a quick stop to it and come back down. I'm using what I have learned that has helped me so far. It was just wierd and wanted to know if anyone had ever had a wierd reaction to it. My very first time and boom panic attack. I'm pretty sure it was the combo of b12 and 200 T after a loooong time of running on empty. I also know how sensitive my body is. I still get the adrinalin jolts from let's say a loud sound or my phone ringing while I'm in a deep sleep. I haven't been able to level that one out. I'll be dead asleep then my phone goes off and I get a jolt and I'm up and my heart racing but I'm not panicking just a jolt lol.

Funny thing right now, my go to calming TV thing is McFarlen. Love this movie and I've been watching it since Sunday night lol. I'm good and can't wait till Friday for my re-up. I feel good too, started walking again and getting in the gym, not hard hitting but enough to get me sweating and burning all this built up adrenaline and stress. I feel my energy levels a bit different and I like it, it's not a day and night difference but I can feel a difference non the less. Again thank you for posting, understand me lol.

Thank all of y'all who posted too, for trying to calm me down too, You didn't have to take time to help someone you don't know, very cool of y'all
You need to see a Dr about your anxiety, specifically about your anxiety, it's written all over this thread in big bold letters and has nothing to do with what you've actually written.
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You need to see a Dr about your anxiety, specifically about your anxiety, it's written all over this thread in big bold letters and has nothing to do with what you've actually written.

I clearly made it a point that I know I suffer from anxiety and that I also had it under wraps for a while now. My original post was to ask if any had ever had a bad reaction to their first shot and specifically anyone with a sensitive body. Hell I said it was a panic attack, whoelse but someone who suffers from anxiety knows what a panic attack is or feels like??

But thanks anyways Captain.
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