Factors determining your TRT dosage

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Hi there,

Seeing the wide range of Test dosages people on TRT use, I was wondering what are the main determining factors influencing the amount of Test a person needs to stay in the upper end range.

I guess it's a tricky questions to answer, seeing how many variables are in play, but I guess there must be some major players there that maybe we can try identifying.

I'll give it a try:

- Primary/secondary hypogonadism
- Starting TT/FT base value
- Genetic Test/Estradiol ratio?
- Body composition (Lean/overweight)
- Diet?
- Physical activity level?

Any other opinion?

Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
lcvl, I guess the main factor would be how do you feel, if you don't feel good it doesn't matter what your numbers are.
Yep, I think you named most of the factors there ICVL. I know for me, my baseline level was 470 Total on a range from 330 to 1100. My free test was 11.4. My body comp at the start is 6'3" and 218lbs at the start, mostly leanly muscled at age 53. The doc started me at 80 mg a week. No AI, and no HCG. After my first 6 weeks, my total test raised to 579 and my free test rose to 14.4.......they wanted to see the total test at least the 800 range after the first 6 weeks so they increased my weekly dose to 120 mg a week. There was still no need for an AI because my estradiol was fine, and I'm still going without the HCG. I feel great, I can add HCG later if for some reason I feel like I need something extra.
I wonder if people like me who are on replacement hormones like dexamethasone use up t faster. I seem to metabolize all meds fast.
I don´t know if I am wrong but I alter my dosage from 80-100mg per week divieded twice per week. I feel a bit better on 80mg less body temp. I also alter now injections sites between subQ and IM. More is not always better at least not for me. I used to inject 250mg every third week and what bad feeling I had the first days and the last.

Good luck!
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