Estradiol at 55.8 (range 8-35). What should I do?

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I've been on TRT for about 5 weeks. My dose is 70mg of test cypionate every 3.5 days, 500iu of HCG every 3.5 days, and .125 anastrozole every 3.5 days.

Here are results from my recent lab taken right before my next testosterone shot was due:

Total Testosterone: 1150 (264-916)
Free Testosterone: 31.1 (8.7-25.1)
Estradiol, Sensitive: 55.8 (8-35)

Here were my levels prior to starting TRT:

Total testosterone: 337 (264-916)
Free Testosterone: 11.2 (8.7-25.1)
Estradiol, Sensitive: 15.3 (8-35)
LH: 7.9 (1.7-8.6)
SHBG: 32.4 (16.5-55.9)

I had been feeling great the first two weeks then started bloating a ton and feeling tired during the day. I gained 10 pounds in mostly water weight. (I'm a fit, slim guy and went from 168 to 178 lbs quickly.) I also noticed my ejaculate was very thick and didn't shoot. My joints felt achy and stiff. I also had a migraine last week and I hadn't had one in several years.

I'm with Defy and they're scheduled out for another two weeks before they can see me. The bloating is bad. I understand I can either up my anastrozole dose or lower my testosterone dose (or both). What should I do to bring my E2 down without crashing it?
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
What were your SHBG levels prior to starting TRT? I'd try 60mg twice weekly and keep everything else the same or increase AI dosing.
I may not be your estradiol levels that's causing your symptoms, many men do not worry about their E2 levels until they get over-60. Don't forget low estradiol is worse than high estradiol.
You have plenty of room to lower your dosage. More is not always better. If that is not enough increasing a bit your anastrozole dosage might be enough
I've been on TRT for about 5 weeks. My dose is 70mg of test cypionate every 3.5 days, 500iu of HCG every 3.5 days, and .125 anastrozole every 3.5 days.

Here are results from my recent lab taken right before my next testosterone shot was due:

Total Testosterone: 1150 (264-916)
Free Testosterone: 31.1 (8.7-25.1)
Estradiol, Sensitive: 55.8 (8-35)

Here were my levels prior to starting TRT:

Total testosterone: 337 (264-916)
Free Testosterone: 11.2 (8.7-25.1)
Estradiol, Sensitive: 15.3 (8-35)
LH: 7.9 (1.7-8.6)
SHBG: 32.4 (16.5-55.9)

I had been feeling great the first two weeks then started bloating a ton and feeling tired during the day. I gained 10 pounds in mostly water weight. (I'm a fit, slim guy and went from 168 to 178 lbs quickly.) I also noticed my ejaculate was very thick and didn't shoot. My joints felt achy and stiff. I also had a migraine last week and I hadn't had one in several years.

I'm with Defy and they're scheduled out for another two weeks before they can see me. The bloating is bad. I understand I can either up my anastrozole dose or lower my testosterone dose (or both). What should I do to bring my E2 down without crashing it?

How's your progress? What did you change and how is it working?
Mine is 35 on through and probably higher on peak. I’ve never had any estrogen issues. Acne but that could be s lot of things combined.
I've been on TRT for about 5 weeks. My dose is 70mg of test cypionate every 3.5 days, 500iu of HCG every 3.5 days, and .125 anastrozole every 3.5 days.

Here are results from my recent lab taken right before my next testosterone shot was due:

Total Testosterone: 1150 (264-916)
Free Testosterone: 31.1 (8.7-25.1)
Estradiol, Sensitive: 55.8 (8-35)

Here were my levels prior to starting TRT:

Total testosterone: 337 (264-916)
Free Testosterone: 11.2 (8.7-25.1)
Estradiol, Sensitive: 15.3 (8-35)
LH: 7.9 (1.7-8.6)
SHBG: 32.4 (16.5-55.9)

I had been feeling great the first two weeks then started bloating a ton and feeling tired during the day. I gained 10 pounds in mostly water weight. (I'm a fit, slim guy and went from 168 to 178 lbs quickly.) I also noticed my ejaculate was very thick and didn't shoot. My joints felt achy and stiff. I also had a migraine last week and I hadn't had one in several years.

I'm with Defy and they're scheduled out for another two weeks before they can see me. The bloating is bad. I understand I can either up my anastrozole dose or lower my testosterone dose (or both). What should I do to bring my E2 down without crashing it?
I was taking 500 iu hcg 2x a week and it caused me to have high e2 “spikes” and made me symptomatic. I’m also on 40 mg test 2x a week.

I changed my hcg dose to 360 iu 3x a week, which is actually a higher weekly dosage but being spread out eliminated e2 symptoms for me

I take no ai.
An effort to remove anastrozole from your protocol is a valid one as the less medicine to treat your symptoms the better. But sometimes to optimize your TRT regimen you might need a small AI dosage. Don’t be afraid to use it if you have to. This witch-hunt on AIs has gone a bit too far.
I had the same issues when I first started four years ago. I started without the AI for the first 12 weeks. Took about 12 to 16 weeks for everything to get dialed in. How long have you been taking the AI? Your body may "adjust" with your current protocol in just a few more weeks. Watch your blood pressure while you're carrying the extra water,
many men do not worry about their E2 levels until they get over-60.

That is interesting. I went on a combination of Testopel pellets and compounded pellets six weeks ago (my insurance company only covers six Testopel pellets). I reviewed my five-week test results with my urologist today. My total testosterone was 617, which is over 200 points higher than it was on topical testosterone. My E2 was 36.1. My doc said that he usually does not do anything to control E2 until it is over 50 unless a guy is symptomatic. I am completely side-effect free and feel the best I have since my early thirties (my girlfriend has a high libido, so she is loving it). I know that pellet therapy has been controversial on this site, but the difference in how I feel on pellets versus I how I felt on topical testosterone is like the difference between night and day. I no longer have the bloating and night sweats thing going on. There were nights where I soaked the mattress pad on my bed when I was on topical testosterone. I have to have another blood test in five weeks to see if the number of pellets needs to be tweaked.
That is interesting. I went on a combination of Testopel pellets and compounded pellets six weeks ago (my insurance company only covers six Testopel pellets). I reviewed my five-week test results with my urologist today. My total testosterone was 617, which is over 200 points higher than it was on topical testosterone. My E2 was 36.1. My doc said that he usually does not do anything to control E2 until it is over 50 unless a guy is symptomatic. I am completely side-effect free and feel the best I have since my early thirties (my girlfriend has a high libido, so she is loving it). I know that pellet therapy has been controversial on this site, but the difference in how I feel on pellets versus I how I felt on topical testosterone is like the difference between night and day. I no longer have the bloating and night sweats thing going on. There were nights where I soaked the mattress pad on my bed when I was on topical testosterone. I have to have another blood test in five weeks to see if the number of pellets needs to be tweaked.
What was the reason you decided on pellets and not just going with injections.
What was the reason you decided on pellets and not just going with injections.

I did not want to have to deal with syringes and a Sharps container. I was on injectable diabetes medication for a while. I hated having to deal with needles and injectable medication. Pellets are no fuss, no muss. I love not having to apply testosterone topically or inject it, especially when traveling. It is freedom. Granted, pellets apparently do not work for some people. However, they work for me, so I will keep using them until they no longer work.
I did not want to have to deal with syringes and a Sharps container. I was on injectable diabetes medication for a while. I hated having to deal with needles and injectable medication. Pellets are no fuss, no muss. I love not having to apply testosterone topically or inject it, especially when traveling. It is freedom. Granted, pellets apparently do not work for some people. However, they work for me, so I will keep using them until they no longer work.
Yes I agree, most don't do good on pellets. Hopefully they will work better for you. Keep us updated on your progress.
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