Blood Pressure

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I did a search on Blood Pressure on EM and not much came up. I am not sure even where to post this. My BP is regularly 145/95 range which is borderline high. Kaiser doc want to put me on BP med due to stents 5 years ago and family history of heart disease. I wanted to try to get it down naturally but that has not been working. I was trying to avoid yet another med. He wants to put me on 10 mg Lisinopril. What are the down sides to BP meds?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
145/95 is high, calling it borderline is a denial. I've used citrus bergamot and olive extract(oleuropein), and literally had my BP drop 20% on both systolic and diastolic numbers. I'm at 121/78 and was at 144/93.
Try your best to avoid any Beta blockers! I have tried all Calsium ACE inh etc... but after reading here on this forum I became convinced to try to get
my doc to put me on ARbs. Which he consider old school medicine but it works wonders for me and it even makes have better erections.
High blood pressure causes so many problems, as we all know. Take the blood pressure meds and continue to do the right things. Hopefully you'll be able to lower your BP enough, so you can one day you can get off your meds. 5 stents, be careful, you don't want a 6th.
Garlic, specifically "Kyolic" has dropped my blood pressure quite a bit. Checking it thru an iphone/IOS app I can get consistently now in the 110/120 sistolic down from 135-140 (some of those numbers are attributable to white coat anxiety)
145/95 is high. You don't want your diastolic over 90. Lisinopril is a good conservative treatment if you don't get any side effects. I can't take it due to horrible indigestion/heartburn.

The downside to BP meds is trying to find the right med/dose to get BP in range with minimal side effects.
Carditone works 100% without a doubt. Drops about 20 points and pulse 5-7 without fail. It's magnesium, herbs, and a tiny dose of a BP med not often prescribed anymore. Takes a week or so for the effects.
Anyone able to recommend an over the counter supplement that can lower BP?

Buy or make beet root juice.
I've been reading over the reviews on Amazon about Kyolic. I think, I'm going to try it. I just need to pick one.
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