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I had a question regarding the side effects of AI’a and can’t seem to find a consistent consensus regarding side effects.

I am aware that there can be side effects from the usage of AIs, from my understanding the sides are from crashing estradiol to an unhealthy level.

Most of the negatives that I see associated are bone density issues, lipid profile issues, brain fog, lowered libido, cardiovascular issues, hairloss, etc. My question is: Do AIs still have side effects even when estradiol is kept within a healthy range or are the sides due to crashing estradiol?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Anastrozole.250,Every time I try to take a ai I’m getting bad anxiety. For over a day, does the med possibly give you anxiety? Or is this me causing the anxiety?

I don’t feel any anxiety when I use anastrozole. I take .25mg three times a week and it keeps my estradiol around 28pg/dL. I’m not quite sure if it’s due to lifting heavy more recently, taking too much thyroid medication, or anastrozole but I’ve been noticing a bit more joint pain than usual and it’s been persistent.
... Do AIs still have side effects even when estradiol is kept within a healthy range or are the sides due to crashing estradiol?
Most side effects, particularly the acute ones, are due to lowering estradiol too much. But there are lingering questions about the long-term effects of AIs on localized, tissue-specific aromatization, such as in the vasculature. Anastrozole in particular is said to be more brain-friendly than other AIs due to its reduced infiltration there.
There are some REALLY bad reported sides from using AI’s.

Most folks seem to do well or ok on them.

For me I took three doses in a week of .125mg. The 2nd dose I was feeling off a bit but did not really think much of it.
The night of the third dose I woke from a dead sleep thinking I was having a heart attack.
Having read about some guys having similar reactions, I was able to get up and walk around the house focusing on my breathing and road it out.

i have NEVER had a panic attack in my life prior to this. I stopped the AI and have since never had an issue.

The good Dr’s at Defy said I was an over responder.

The thing is as far as I know, there is no long term studies of men taking it for years.

I am of the mind of not taking meds if I do not have too. YMMV
The night of the third dose I woke from a dead sleep thinking I was having a heart attack.
Having read about some guys having similar reactions, I was able to get up and walk around the house focusing on my breathing and road it out.

i have NEVER had a panic attack in my life prior to this. I stopped the AI and have since never had an issue.

You hit the nail on the head. Once 0.25 mg of Anastrozole enters my system... I have that exact same panic attack/heart attack feeling while sleeping. Right when I'm ready to enter deep sleep... AND THEN... BAM!!! I get this rush to wake up out of nowhere. It's the damn AI doing it. No question about it. It takes about 7 days after that initial dose for it to entirely get out of my system. My body doesn't respond well to it.

I don't know how professional body builders take that crap to lower their Estrogen levels without sides? Sort of fascinates me.
I think it is like anything else....most people can take penicillin with no problem.
There are some that have negative reactions to it.

I know when I had the bad reaction, some of the “more knowledgeably” folks here on the forum poo-pooed it saying it was all in my head etc.

Then, one of the well known posters here ended up in the ER over it.

I don’t feel any anxiety when I use anastrozole. I take .25mg three times a week and it keeps my estradiol around 28pg/dL. I’m not quite sure if it’s due to lifting heavy more recently, taking too much thyroid medication, or anastrozole but I’ve been noticing a bit more joint pain than usual and it’s been persistent.

I definitely get more joint pain when using too much AI. I believe it's because your joints need estrogen and you're lowering it too much with the AI
I had the Opposite experience from some others.... since when I started I had quite a bit of Belly fat I anticipated that TRT might spike my Estrogen levels...
So i got some in Small dose (.125 mg) and Dr. Calkins said use it if i felt i needed it.....
Well about 2 weeks in Bang... 2am Anxiety attack.... I had to get out of my Apartment and wound up sitting in my car with th AC on.....
Since then 1 dose per week kept me in good stead.....

But remember Your body is different....YMMV
You hit the nail on the head. Once 0.25 mg of Anastrozole enters my system... I have that exact same panic attack/heart attack feeling while sleeping. Right when I'm ready to enter deep sleep... AND THEN... BAM!!! I get this rush to wake up out of nowhere. It's the damn AI doing it. No question about it. It takes about 7 days after that initial dose for it to entirely get out of my system. My body doesn't respond well to it.

I don't know how professional body builders take that crap to lower their Estrogen levels without sides? Sort of fascinates me.
also you have to take into consideration some people will tolerate the sides to achieve the goal. If they think lowering estrogen is going to build more muscle they will take the sides during the cycle to reach goals.
also you have to take into consideration some people will tolerate the sides to achieve the goal. If they think lowering estrogen is going to build more muscle they will take the sides during the cycle to reach goals.

I was also thinking that they might try a different inhibitor? But I see so many conflicting stories on what blocks estrogen in certain receptors of the body and what doesn't. It seems like Anastrozole is simply the go to AI. So, if you experience sides with Anastrozole... you're going to experience sides with others?
I had a question regarding the side effects of AI’a and can’t seem to find a consistent consensus regarding side effects.

I am aware that there can be side effects from the usage of AIs, from my understanding the sides are from crashing estradiol to an unhealthy level.

Most of the negatives that I see associated are bone density issues, lipid profile issues, brain fog, lowered libido, cardiovascular issues, hairloss, etc. My question is: Do AIs still have side effects even when estradiol is kept within a healthy range or are the sides due to crashing estradiol?
From my understanding, these issues come from tanking estradiol. There's no evidence the drug itself is directly responsible that I'm aware of.
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