8 days without testosterone cream and I feel great some how.

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Hi, I've posted about my luck so far on TRT, one month shy of a year. Anyways they (Universal Men's Clinic) crashed my e2 and never got thru their heads what they were doing.

Anyways stopped doing cream and I flipping feel great. I don't know how it's possible, after 11 month of being on TRT wouldn't think I am producing anymore, but I actually feel good.

Been 2 months since I had energy or drive to go to gym and after 8 days with out any cream I actually want to go, have energy, and have drive.

How is this possible? Is it going to get worse or will this be the worse I feel?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
It takes much longer than 8 days for your natural testosterone to recover. It is possible your t level was too high for you to feel best and has now dropped into a better range. With that said, I would imagine as time goes on you can expect to feel as you did before starting with the cream.
Hi, I've posted about my luck so far on TRT, one month shy of a year. Anyways they (Universal Men's Clinic) crashed my e2 and never got thru their heads what they were doing.

Anyways stopped doing cream and I flipping feel great. I don't know how it's possible, after 11 month of being on TRT wouldn't think I am producing anymore, but I actually feel good.

Been 2 months since I had energy or drive to go to gym and after 8 days with out any cream I actually want to go, have energy, and have drive.

How is this possible? Is it going to get worse or will this be the worse I feel?
If you feel great without TRT, I sure wouldn't start again. :)
I’ve quit injections a couple times and have felt amazing on days 10-13. Did this again recently and did labs during this time and found my levels at 607ng. Restarted injections at 68mg per week about a month ago and feel better than I ever have on trt. I did 100mg per week for years and I’m contemplating going down to 60mg per week. I’d rather use the least I can and feel good. So what you’re feeling isn’t unusual, although it seems your levels would’ve bottomed out much faster with topical.
you will continue to feel better because your recovering from estrogen crash.. when you crash estrogen it makes so your androgens and testosterone can't work.. I don't know mechanism but it does it. so now your testosternoe begins to work so you ofcource feel better.. trt protocol that crashes your estrogen is pretty much same as castration and it takes time to recover from it.. also e2 crash damages your dopamine which is for important for motivation and drive.. so you are recovering from that as well
you will continue to feel better because your recovering from estrogen crash.. when you crash estrogen it makes so your androgens and testosterone can't work.. I don't know mechanism but it does it. so now your testosternoe begins to work so you ofcource feel better.. trt protocol that crashes your estrogen is pretty much same as castration and it takes time to recover from it.. also e2 crash damages your dopamine which is for important for motivation and drive.. so you are recovering from that as well

I'd have to say this is the case. I went to gym little bit ago, and other than typical haven't been in gym in a while, felt pretty good. I can't wait until I actually get on TRT protocol that works.
It doesn't help that the large percentage of doctors knowledge in male hormones is seriously lacking, most target high normal testosterone and fail to test for SHBG. Your estrogen levels will largely determine how you feel on TRT and if high will hinder testosterone's effects while you become estrogen dominant.
you will continue to feel better because your recovering from estrogen crash.. when you crash estrogen it makes so your androgens and testosterone can't work.. I don't know mechanism but it does it. so now your testosternoe begins to work so you ofcource feel better.. trt protocol that crashes your estrogen is pretty much same as castration and it takes time to recover from it.. also e2 crash damages your dopamine which is for important for motivation and drive.. so you are recovering from that as well

Being castrated is exactly how I felt over 99.999% of the last 11 months
thanks god i wasnt alone.. I swear that was e2 crash feels for me.. probably having naturally low conversion to e2 so I actually benefit from e2 unlike a lot of guys here who have too much estrogen
My estradiol was 14.7 before I ever started trt. Dumb clinic started me off on 1mg anastrozole per week (200mg of test and 1 mg of anastrozole compounded once weekly injections) First injection felt great, after that it went downhill quick. After 12 weeks e2 was 7-8, but instead of changing that increased injections to every 5 days (they said with more testosterone would need to block more), which put me <5 next blood draw.

Anyways it does suck. Feel better now, but know with right protocol is feel better. Low T is easy compared to low estrogen. IMHO
My estradiol was 14.7 before I ever started trt. Dumb clinic started me off on 1mg anastrozole per week (200mg of test and 1 mg of anastrozole compounded once weekly injections) First injection felt great, after that it went downhill quick. After 12 weeks e2 was 7-8, but instead of changing that increased injections to every 5 days (they said with more testosterone would need to block more), which put me <5 next blood draw.

Anyways it does suck. Feel better now, but know with right protocol is feel better. Low T is easy compared to low estrogen. IMHO
I’m confused your post said you were on a cream and you’re saying here injectable?
13 days without still feeling good.

Ok 6 weeks ago got labs that showed total t >1,500, estradiol 29.something I believe. Anyways 4 weeks later (may 19th) got another blood draw that finally got results. Total t 493, estradiol 20.2. And they think I need to take 2mg of anastrozole plus 1mg in cream per pump per week (last i was doing was 1 pump one day and 2 pumps the next alternated back and forth.

Anyways universal men's clinic thinks my estradiol should be close to base line (14.7 before I started trt) and what they continue to not understand is that's what made me miserable.

Told them I'm done and want to stop.
13 days without still feeling good.

Ok 6 weeks ago got labs that showed total t >1,500, estradiol 29.something I believe. Anyways 4 weeks later (may 19th) got another blood draw that finally got results. Total t 493, estradiol 20.2. And they think I need to take 2mg of anastrozole plus 1mg in cream per pump per week (last i was doing was 1 pump one day and 2 pumps the next alternated back and forth.

Anyways universal men's clinic thinks my estradiol should be close to base line (14.7 before I started trt) and what they continue to not understand is that's what made me miserable.

Told them I'm done and want to stop.

Your levels look pretty good I can see why you feel so good, no sense go to go back on the T. Have a healthy lifestyle and increase your testosterone naturally.
Your levels look pretty good I can see why you feel so good, no sense go to go back on the T. Have a healthy lifestyle and increase your testosterone naturally.

Sorry that was numbers on TRT. I used cream the morning of my labs. (Tomorrow will be 2 weeks ago) tt going from >1,500 (top end of scale was 1,500) April 14th to 493 on May 19th in my opinion first test was off for some reason, before this total t has been in 300-400's on TRT (except 1 lab when still on injectable 650ish) only change from April 14th and May 19th was went from 2 pumps everyday to 1 pump 1 day and 2 the next then 1 pump next day and 2 pumps the next etc... 300mg testosterone/1 mg anastrozole per pump a week.

Feeling good without TRT is just how screwed up their protocol was.
Ok now sitting at 25 days without cream and still feeling good/way better than I did on TRT from Universal Men's Clinic that never felt right.

However, had a couple panic attacks I guess you could say (rapid heart rate shortness of breath, throbbing head with feeling light headed) one was last part of training at gym (most severe) and other/last was doing nothing but driving at the time which was on Saturday. Feeling low energy and little less drive in general.

However, still feel better than I did so plus. As soon as I get $ I'm going to defy, and like I've been told here, tell them my experience with AI and lower estradiol. If later into treatment Dr wants to add small dose in i will do as instructed, however, at one time I was actually doing 2mg of anastrozole, which from everything I've read is way too much. Not to mention what I always felt as a very high dose of testosterone.
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