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  1. J

    Big and Tall TRT dosage

    I need some advice on dosage. My doctor has me on .33ml a day subQ injection which comes out to 462mg a week. I am 6’6” 355lb. My labs after one week were extremely high and i’m having some crazy brain fog. How many milligrams do you recommend on a daily SubQ injection for someone my size?
  2. M

    Which type of insulin needle do I buy?

    I have been injecting via subcutaneous injections. The insulin needles that I use are very small which takes a very long time to draw the testosterone. Can you tell me exactly what gauge and length of insulin needle I need to buy to streamline that process.
  3. S

    How to get 100 mg a week by EOD?

    Hello.. How much shall I use in day of inject to reach 100 mg a week? If I inject 30 mg EOD it will give some weeks 120..and some weeks 90 mg... Pls help..thanks
  4. Abonicex

    Is long term TRT a lifetime commitment?

    I've been seeing conflicting information regarding this. So searched around and I read a few threads that seems to indicate that for some people, normal testicular function is not restored after leaving TRT even after various months or years. So, there's actually no guarantee that you will go...
  5. S

    FNG (f***ing new guy)

    Hello all, I'm a 42-year-old professional athlete who's never taken PEDs. I'm looking to start TRT with a good doctor that treats symptoms not numbers. First, a little background, I'm a veteran, currently in school, and I maintain a very active workout/run regimen. I feel good overall, but I...
  6. Abonicex

    Orgasm intensity and ejaculation volume after trt

    I've seen that orgasm intensity is somehow related to ejaculation. The more you ejaculate the more spasms. Also this is also obviously related to ejaculation volume. What happens after trt if it shuts down sperm production? Assume no HCG is being taken or can't be taken.
  7. C

    Anxiety- monoamine oxidase?

    Anyone know or understand anything about how this pertains to TRT anxiety? I’ve seemed to have anxiety on TRt for really the entirety of the 6 years I’ve been on. I’m currently on a low 10mg SQ daily dose, and honestly the anxiety has been way worse. Random heart rate spikes in the afternoon...
  8. L

    High e2 but low e2 symptoms?

    Hey everyone, I've read all the other posts on this matter but I figured i'd make a new one incase I missed something. Summer of 2020 I foolishly took arimidex as it was my Dr's orders. Before adex I had all the "symptoms" of high e2 which really weren't bad at all just the typical oily skin...
  9. T

    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    Was on trt and a super low dose of proviron 12.5 mg a day sometimes 2 x a day. About 120mg test. Felt great for 5 years. Then all of a sudden I got heart racing headaches ect. Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. So they tried taking me off the test but the lowest I can get to is 20mg a week in a...
  10. C

    Any TRT Docs in the Philadelphia PA region?

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a TRT Doc in the Philadelphia PA region? My doctor had retired and I'm with a new doctor that doesn't know what he's doing. I originally had been seeing Dr. Romeo Mariano years back and he tuned me up quiet well. I stopped seeing him because of cost. I had found a...
  11. A

    Has anyone here been on TRT long term (years) with no HCG and Regained fertility?

    Ive read many anecdotes of people on TRT with HHCG long term or people who run cycles regainging fertility, but what about people who have run TRT only (no HCG, clomid, etc..) and regained fertility after years?
  12. M

    Male 55 starting

    Hello I am a 55-year-old male, 186 cm(6.1) currently 92 kg (203 pounds). My testicles have always been small. At my late 40s, it was discovered that I was born with only one kidney. But that never affected me in any way. I have no health issues whatsoever. Not even fatigue, but I was never...
  13. A

    Are you worried about being dependent on TRT during the upcoming trying times?

    Recession is coming, as well a shortages. How worried are you about getting being on TRT during these times and potentially losing access?
  14. C

    High SHBG - any way to lower?

    I recently was able to view lab results from 2018 to present day. Every time I have had lab work done (hormone panel) my SHBG is always higher than it should be. The higher than normal value presented even before I tried self prescribed TRT. 2018 (prior to testosterone) - Testosterone 26.9...
  15. M

    HCG Insomnia

    I get extreme insomnia from HCG. I've tried adding it 3 different times over the past 16 months while on TRT, 750iux2/wk , 250iux2/wk , and most recently a single 50iu injection. All sub q. Each time, whether it was a 375iu injection or 50iu injection, I get extreme insomnia. To the point where...
  16. L

    Blood work - Do I need TRT/Whats next?

    For the few years I have had low libido generally, bad erection quality and almost never waking up with a boner. I have also noticed reduced/slowed facial hair growth and increased balding. Although I will say that I don't often get a full 8 hours of sleep and I do not exercise much (if at all)...
  17. K

    Toremifene Citrate

    I m in the process of restarting after TRT , but Clomid is a non-starter for me and Nolvadex also gave me libido issues . I want to choose Toremifene Citrate as the SERM post HCG but my doctor says it may not be available in pharmacies . Does anybody know if that is true ? Is there a pharmacy...
  18. K

    D-chiro-inositol raises testosterone significantly

    This study confirms that D-chiro-inositol raises Testosterone significantly and lowers E2 and Estrone : Why is this not talked about anywhere ? Is there something wrong with the study ? Am I missing something ?
  19. H

    TRT & HGH - Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Risks

    I'm the wrong side of 40 now, and picked up some non-trivial injuries which are taking months to fully heal. I've got hold of some HGH, which I was planning to use for a couple of months at 3IU/day for a couple of months to speed the injury healing. I've been on TRT for around a decade now...
  20. O

    High Blood Pressure on TRT

    I started TRT several months back. Started 100mg once a week but after first follow up went to 120mg split into twice weekly doses. Everything has been great, with all my hypogonadal symptoms eliminated. But now I have elevated BP. For the first 10 weeks it was hovering at 140/100. (I’ve...
  21. I

    Start TRT with clinic or doctor? Suggestions!

    Hello All, Need your advice. I have low testo: 250 first test. LH and FSH are high , PSA, Thyroid, and prolactin are fine. Int the last 3-4 years I went from 15% body fat to 25% body fat developing NAFLD and despite trying dieting and come back to the gym I feel low energy and not able to be...
  22. R

    TRT Since 2013 - Feeling Worse Than Ever

    Hey guys, I'll be brief, just looking for some feedback. Been on TRT since 2013 due to a testicular injury suffered in the gym. T never recovered past 300 total after surgery, so here I am. First doc was the urologist, 200mg IM every 2 weeks. Felt amazing for like 3 months and then the...
  23. I

    Suggestion based on blood work : TRT or not?

    Hello Everyone, I am a newbie and need your experience and opinion. I am 38 years old male, I have been struggling with weight loss and motivation to go to the gym in the past 2 years. I feel energetic only from 8 am to 11 am (where I try to do most of my work done) and then the rest of the day...
  24. D

    Pharma testosterone cyp overdosed?

    hi guys thank you all for sharing your TRT experiences and knowledge its really useful to hear about everything people have experienced and learnt. Getting things dialled is one the hardest things it seems and to have such a huge evidenced based repository is invaluable. I am on prescribed TRT...
  25. C

    Anxiety and TRT

    Hello, I have posted on here before about my start of TRT. In June of 2022 I developed pretty severe anxiety out of the blue. My background I never really had any anxiety my entire life. Maybe here and there with like big things that happen. I tested low testosterone right after getting...
  26. C

    Looking for some advice...

    Hello, Looking for any feedback or advice if anybody has any for my specific situation. I am a 5-year testicular cancer survivor. I have one testicle left which has a pretty good size varicocele. My first testosterone measurement back in 2016 was around 238. My highest measurement during that...
  27. K

    Any guys on TRT long term and how is it? Newbie androgel but haven’t began

    I was wondering if some guys who have been on TRT a long time can chime in. I’m 42 and working hard to keep my testosterone up. Lost one testicle and had chemo so it isn’t easy but I’m tired lots. I finally got it back up to 450 but I’m still tired. Anyway, I was just wondering because I read...
  28. R

    Supplement usage while on TRT & CJC / Ipa

    Just starting TRT & CJC / Ipa... I'm continuing use of MK-677. Can I also continue use of LGD-4033 and S23 or should I taper off for awhile?
  29. Fernando Almaguer

    Adding in 60 mgs nandrolone a week

    Hello gentlemen (ladies if any), So I am on 20 mgs test eod and 500 ius hcg twice weekly. I am getting some deca from Dr. Lipshultz clinic. Any precautions I should take before getting into this, how long should i do this. It should help joints and help me add a little mass. Thinking of...
  30. H

    What would you do? Further dial in injection or switch to cream?

    Here are my labs on 8 weeks of 100 mg a week split into two injections (we’ll split the injects 5 weeks ago. I thought my levels would be low. They don’t look bad? New Dr wants me to try cream? Old Dr wants me to stay the course with injections. Not feeling good lower sex drive erections aren’t...
  31. B

    Seeking advice TRT Vs. Clomid

    Seeking advice. I am 37 years old. I've been on this journey for 5-6 years after significant chronic fatigue and anxiety symptoms sought to me start doing the thorough medical work up my family doctor refused to do. Prior to any intervention my Total T levels were usually between 390-530 and...
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