Nelson, I use porn sometimes as let's say an exercise, but even hard to get off then, and have even lost erection. I used to have a sexual drive though the roof. It maybe whatever is causing the fatigue. Sometimes even twelve hours does not refresh me. Oh yes, ingetmpleasure from other areas, mostly work, seeing a job well done. As far as drugs, nothing changed drug wise as far as I know. When it left, I was seeing a drin an hour away that insisted on giving me shots every Friday. I wonder if he gave me something that messed me up?. One other weird thing is, and tmi here too, if I do cum, I start to cum way before orgasm hits. I blow most of my load load before the orgasm hits. And have on occasion not even had orgasm though I ejaculated. This is all new to me, sometimes I wondernwhyni even continue trt. I would not if I had not seen the good effects of weight loss. My family has severe diabetes and heart trouble. My sugar number and cholesterol number continue to improve along with weight.