Study show’s REVERSED aging!

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a VERY interesting synopsis of a study that was conducted on men 50-60 yrs old that were put on a cocktail of HGH/DHEA/zinc/Vit-D/metformin.

This dude has a really great channel, definitely worth watching.



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Here is the study


During the first week of the trial, rhGH alone (0.015 mg/kg) was administered to obtain an initial insulin response, and during the second week, rhGH was combined with 50 mg DHEA to evaluate insulin suppression by DHEA alone. During the third week, the same doses of rhGH and DHEA were combined with 500 mg metformin. Beginning at the fourth week, all doses were individualized based on each volunteer's particular responses. Thereafter, blood was collected one week prior to trial months 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 to enable further dose adjustments at those time points (to maximize IGF-1 and minimize insulin), and additional blood samples were obtained at 12 months to conclude the treatment monitoring period. Dosing compliance was verified by the response of IGF-1, DHEAS, and insulin to administration of rhGH, DHEA, and metformin, respectively; by frequent communication with trial volunteers; and by retrospective review of returned medication diaries. Additional follow-up blood testing was done at 18 months for cohort 1; cohort 2 was not available. In selected cases, as deemed useful, supplemental blood sampling was carried out at other times.
rhGH (Omnitrope, Sandoz) was provided to trial volunteers and was self-administered 3–4 times per week, depending on side effects, at bedtime along with other study medications. All volunteers were also provided with and asked to take supplements of 3,000 IU vitamin D3 and 50 mg of elemental zinc daily.

0.015mg/kg of rhGH is a pretty stiff dose. They don't specify if this was a single dose or a weekly total. For a 200lb guy this would be about a 14iu dose of rhGH. The DHEA and metformin seemed reasonable. Divided by the day 3-4 daily dose it would be about 3.4 - 4.6iu/3-4 days which is some what easier handled. I am currently doing 18iu/wk and I have been in a mental fog for weeks unable to easily stay awake up on the 2 days I do 4iu.

2.4 Epigenetic age regression

Although, on average, trial volunteer epigenetic ages (EAs) were lower than their chronological ages (As) at baseline [(EA-A)0 < 0, Table 1], epigenetic age was nevertheless significantly decreased by treatment based on the results of all four epigenetic clocks (Figure 5a–d), with a mean change in EA-A after 12 months of about 2.5 years (Figure 5e).
The GrimAge predictor of human morbidity and mortality showed a 2-year decrease in epigenetic vs. chronological age that persisted six months after discontinuing treatment. This is to our knowledge the first report of an increase, based on an epigenetic age estimator, in predicted human lifespan by means of a currently accessible aging intervention.
PSA, percent free PSA, and the ratio of PSA to percent free PSA, an overall index of prostate cancer risk, improved significantly by day 15 of treatment and remained favorably altered to the end of 12 months (Figure 1a–c). A brief spike in PSA at 6 months in two volunteers was rapidly reversed and, after volunteer consultation, was interpreted as reflecting sexual activity close to the time of PSA testing. No change in testosterone levels was observed.
Reversed epigenetic markers do not manifest as reversed aging. Take Bryan Johnson - his epigenetic age is 20 years, yet he doesn't look that young.

The primary effect in this study on thymus is coming from HGH - as they point out in the discussion section, that was established by previous studies. They added metformin to suppress insulin secretion caused by increased IGF-1 by the HGH.

The vitamin D might have reduced inflammation - it is immunosuppressive.
The high daily dose Zinc may be toxic over the long run and may have caused the increased liver enzyme.

The role of DHEA is unclear - they tried to suppress insulin by DHEA alone and apparently it didn't work so they added the metformin. Why is then DHEA still in the final cocktail?

The authors are also shareholders in some bio startup and will probably try to patent the "magical cocktail" as some hyped up age reversal "proprietary formula".
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Reversed epigenetic markers do not manifest as reversed aging. Take Bryan Johnson - his epigenetic age is 20 years, yet he doesn't look that young.

The primary effect in this study on thymus is coming from HGH - as they point out in the discussion section, that was established by previous studies. They added metformin to suppress insulin secretion caused by increased IGF-1 by the HGH.

The vitamin D might have reduced inflammation - it is immunosuppressive.
The high daily dose Zinc may be toxic over the long run and may have caused the increased liver enzyme.

The role of DHEA is unclear - they tried to suppress insulin by DHEA alone and apparently it didn't work so they added the metformin. Why is then DHEA still in the final cocktail?

The authors are also shareholders in some bio startup and will probably try to patent the "magical cocktail" as some hyped up age reversal "proprietary formula".
Good points @sammmy I have to agree with you..... reversing some epigenetic markers might address certain cellular and molecular aspects of aging, but it might not fully reverse the overall physiological changes that occur with age.
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