I just had my blood test done and this time I did it closer to my next injection rather than shortly after one. Bloodtest was done sun night and last injection was thurs night. I’m a bit skeptical on my estradiol numbers. Can they really jump up like this? Only thing that’s changed from last time is doing all my injections in my abdomen, taking hydrocortisone for low cortisol, and gave blood mid feb. Dr. is gonna call me tmw to go over the numbers and I’m considering stoping since I haven’t really felt any different and don’t want to be on TRT if I don’t need to be and possibly stop my natural production if I haven’t already. If I do decide to stop then should I request to continue the HCG for a little longer? I’m a small slender (5’8” 135lbs)guy and my goal was to just have more energy because I always tend to be tired and can use a nap. I don’t work out.