I know HCG is used for diet and weight loss but have any of you guys using HCG mono therapy or in conjunction with TRT noticed any lack of hunger or weight loss?
In fact, the prescription drug label notes there “is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or ‘normal’ distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.”
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the effects of HCG on weight loss were compared with placebo injections, and it was found that the weight loss on prescribed diet was similar to that on severely restricted intake.[2] In an another similar comparative study between HCG and placebo, where laboratory studies were performed at the time of initial physical examinations and at the end of the study, it was concluded that there was no statistically significant difference in the means of the two groups in the number of injections received, weight loss, percent of weight loss, hip and waist circumference, weight loss per injections, or in hunger ratings.[3] Findings from these 2 and many other studies suggests that there is no rationale for the use of HCG in the treatment of obesity.