Thanks Gene,
In the above link, we already discussed many points.
I'm 31 years old, 74 is my weight, height is 178 Cms, don't think I've lot of fat (a little fat at my abdominal area, that's it, I look like normal guy)
my lifestyle: I'm software engineer, daily 8hrs sitting in my chair and do work, since I'm working at client side obviously I'd some work dead lines and pressure. No smoking habit, Occasionally I take alchohol (since 4 months I've stopped it completely)
My brother is also took some treatment for sexual problems but I never discussed it with him.
it looks like I got it by inheritance from my fore fathers, what you say?
At the age of 16, I was proactive and very active in studies and games, after that, slowly I became very silent, talk very less, no interest for anything, many people told me that I'm very slow and diggy but I thought that I'm reserved kind of person.
long time ago, at the age of 21, I used to go gym, initial I was very weak to lift the weights, but slowly I did a lot of excercise.
I did it almost 6 month, but I was never get a significat muscles, I've asked my trainer then he said, some people won't get muscles so I left the gym. (that time, I didn't realize that I've this low T problem - so I guess I've this problem since 10 yrs)
I will continue the suppliments few more months and if there is no change then I will go for TRT?
by looking at my reports, what kind of side effects I will get while taking TRT? any heads up?
how many days I need to use T gels as part of TRT?
After stopping TRT, Is there any other medecine to not to go back my lower levels again?
one more thing, is there any way that I can find a best doctor in India?
or please let me know if you know anybody who is expert in TRT in India?
Thanks for reading.