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The goal of erectile dysfunction treatment is patient satisfaction. Because of that, patients choosing their own treatment have a higher chance of better outcomes. We know ourselves the best.

So the more we know about each treatment option, the better for us to deal with this issue.

In this video, Dr. Park will talk about oral medications for ED.

Go nuts!

post #2
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
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This is critical as many are still misinformed!

*These drugs are generally very safe and have no impact on the body and they do not develop any resistance

*Over time these drugs will not work, not because of the resistance but because our body gets older and our vessels, especially penile arteries get weaker as we get older

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Another critical point here!

Too many are still caught up on that more is better mentality spewed on those romper room bro forums littered on the internet!

*There is a ceiling effect with the pills we take

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I don’t have the time right now to watch the video and am saving it for later, thanks for posting.

Quick question, did he say 20mg for a standard recommended dosage? What about those who take only 5mg? Is the suggestion to then move up to 20mg from a lower dosage?

I was always of the frame of mind to use the least amount possible to get the desired effect, regardless of medication.
I don’t have the time right now to watch the video and am saving it for later, thanks for posting.

Quick question, did he say 20mg for a standard recommended dosage? What about those who take only 5mg? Is the suggestion to then move up to 20mg from a lower dosage?

I was always of the frame of mind to use the least amount possible to get the desired effect, regardless of medication.

The standard recommended dose for tadalafil on-demand is 10-20 mg or 2.5-5 mg when dosed daily.

5 mg would be more common when taken daily.

Most doctors tend to start patients on lower-end doses to see how they respond/minimize any potential sides.

Dr. Park prefers jumping in at the highest dose and working down if one struggles with the sides.
Dr. Park prefers jumping in at the highest dose and working down if one struggles with the sides.
The lowest dosage of Viagra caused edema within 30 minutes, legs turned red, burned and swelled up! I can’t imagine what would have happened if I took the highest dosage of Viagra!!

Maybe a trip to the ER, who knows.
The lowest dosage of Viagra caused edema within 30 minutes, legs turned red, burned and swelled up! I can’t imagine what would have happened if I took the highest dosage of Viagra!!

Maybe a trip to the ER, who knows.

Yes, I would never recommend someone start on the higher end dose.

Always best to use the minimum effective dose/minimize any potential sides.
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