weekly dosing

  1. J

    Is splitting the dose really necessary?

    I’ve been on TRT for nearly 5 years and have tried everything - started at once per week, went to bi-weekly, 3x, EOD, E3D, Every day, subq / IM, AI/No AI. All the changes were to try to prevent high hematocrit and Estrogen, which are prone to run high in me. Well, every protocol ended up the...
  2. K

    Dialing in dosing: "Bottom-up" vs. "Top-down"?

    Hi guys, so after a few REALLY miserable days I got my blood drawn today for the doctors 6-week follow up. He is absolutely inexperienced and put me on a really shitty protocol (discussed in other threads) of 125mg/E2W. I've managed to convince him via email to at least agree to weekly...
  3. S

    Most common total weekly dose for cypionate/enanthate

    I wanted to get some feedback from members on what dosage range is the most widely used. 60-80mg 80-100mg 100-120mg 120mg and up Not concerned with the frequency, just the total 7 day amount.