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  1. Nelson Vergel

    Do Walnuts Really Improve Artery Function?

    Good news for nut lovers: Eating at least one serving of walnuts per week may drop our chances of a cardiovascular-related death by 50%. However, walnut consumption may only drop our cholesterol levels about 5%. How could we get a 50% drop in cardiac mortality from just a 5% drop in cholesterol...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Effects of walnuts on endothelial function in overweight adults with visceral obesity

    J Am Coll Nutr. 2012 Dec;31(6):415-23. Effects of walnuts on endothelial function in overweight adults with visceral obesity: a randomized, controlled, crossover trial. Katz DL, Davidhi A, Ma Y, Kavak Y, Bifulco L, Njike VY. Abstract OBJECTIVES: Metabolic syndrome is a precursor of diabetes...
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