
  1. M

    Low cortisol

    I have been on trt for many years, last few years just not feeling well, thought it was my trt dose or estrogen, ran many blood tests and found out recently my cortisol has been consistently low, went to the Hospital and they ran the Cortrosyn stimulation test on me and my adrenals did not...
  2. M

    My dose has been too high?

    Try and keep this short...5 years ago felt bad, Dr put me on 100 mg of Test cyp 1x a week, did ok for a while, HCT HGB got too high, told to donate every 4 months, still didn't feel right, test levels were great, high in fact around 1000, after another year still felt rough (Yes tested for...
  3. B

    Having a rough time since I lowered my Test dose....

    I lowered my dose from 120mg (was on for over a year) slowly down to 90mg a week over a few months, just recently (2 weeks ago) split it into 3 times a week MWF 30 mgs per. SInce then I feel more emotional, depressed, anxious, my nipples are really sore, I am more TIRED and ACHY all over...
  4. B

    High Estrogen causing side effects

    I am havng issues with sore joints and oveall aches, plus extremely tired, shakey, can;t sleep very well, (sore nipples) my e2 runs on the high side and I just reduced my testosterone dose a month ago due to being plenty high. I suspect my E2 is now high and needs to catch up to the lower test...
  5. M

    New to the site. Current symptoms and findings. What should I expect?

    Realized this post was a bit long. I've summarized up top. Details further down. QUICK VERSION: Been feeling like crap for 3 months. Have had numerous expensive doc / specialist appointments, imaging scans, blood tests, and more tests, tests, testsssss etc with normal results. I saw doc on...
  6. C

    Feeling tired in the Afternoon

    I am not sure, but recently I have been feeling tired everyday consistently for the last couple months right around 1-2pm everyday. I am 38 year old male I am 6'2" and around 187 lbs. The tired feeling almost feels like when you only get 2-3 hours a sleep at night. I get around 8 hours a sleep...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Feeling Tired All the Time? Join us for a Discussion on Fatigue on June 22

    Wed, Jun 22, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Central We are very excited to announce their upcoming The Real Truth Men's Health Hangout. We'll be joined by Dr Justin Saya, Jasen Bruce and Jim Brown to discuss the many different aspects and causes of Fatigue. Some of the points we'll be discussing...
  8. T

    Advice on Symptons and TRT - High 2D:4D Ratio

    Hi all, I'm a 37 year old male 6'/210 lbs. fit. I have a high 2D:4D ratio where my Index Finger is a little longer than my Ring Finger. I recently discovered that's an indication I was developed in the womb with less Testosterone. As a result, my penis size is also a little smaller than...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    Why Is Blue Light before Bedtime Bad for Sleep?

    "What happens in the body when our eyes are exposed to blue light on electronic devices? Chang: Recent studies have shown that short-wavelength [blue] light has a greater effect on phase shifting the circadian clock and on melatonin suppression. In 2014 my colleagues and I examined the effects...
  10. Nelson Vergel

    Are you tired even with normal testosterone? Adrenal fatigue may be the problem.

    Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms called a functional somatic syndrome where there are imbalances that cause the reserve present in the adrenal gland to be depleted below the necessary level. When evaluating healthy adults, some studies have found that 40 percent of people...
  11. Nelson Vergel

    Are you tired even with normal testosterone? Adrenal fatigue may be the problem.

    Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms called a functional somatic syndrome where there are imbalances that cause the reserve present in the adrenal gland to be depleted below the necessary level. When evaluating healthy adults, some studies have found that 40 percent of people 60...