starting trt

  1. T

    Moving from HCG Mono to TRT+HCG

    Hi guys, I promised I searched for an hour and didn’t find the answer, in case it is in a thread somewhere obvious. I am on HCG mono with decent results, but i need my T to be a little higher and E to be a little lower based on how I feel and bloodwork taken based on those feelings. When...
  2. R

    Considering TRT--Lab Results, Questions

    I'm in my late 30s and have been having all the symptoms of low T for at least 5-6 years, but never thought that could "be it" given my age. I've had some sexual issues recently and decided to test the hormones. An at home lancet blood test (tested by a lab, not a card test) gave a 283 ng/dl...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    What Are Things Someone Should Know Before Starting TRT?

    There are several things that your doctor may fail to tell you when you start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT): 1- TRT decreases your sperm count. 2- TRT may increase your blood viscosity (hematocrit). Some doctors want to stop your TRT when this happens, but this side effect can be...
  4. J

    4th week on TRT, what to expect

    Hi all. This is my second thread, here is an old one with just a couple of posts: Long story short, I am 40 yo, one year ago I gave up on TRT before I even started, so to speak, and started 5mg...
  5. O

    Consider starting TRT

    I am 66yo, and am considering to start TRT. My current TT (LC-MS/MS) is around 450 [270-648] ng/dL, and Calculated FT around 80 [47-244] pg/mL. I have some questions, hopefully you knowledgeable members can help me. 1. How accurate is Calculated Free Testosterone comparing to equilibrium...
  6. M

    I'm debating if I should start TRT?

    So, I was prescribed T-cypionate by my Endo. I'm 54 years old and below are my recent numbers. Do these numbers warrant it? My total seems to be in the normal range. I do feel like I'm lacking energy for my workouts and get tired at night after work easily I am also relying on the use of...
  7. L

    Should I get on TRT? Please help. new to the forum

    Im 35 M and have noted a drastic change in the past few years. I'm 5'7, 165 around 15% body fat. I try to exercise at least 3-5 times per week and it includes lifting weights, boxing, yoga, and tennis. Physical symptoms: fatigue, lack of energy, poor exercise tolerance, not much muscle tone nor...
  8. Vince

    If you can’t afford TRT or you’re not disciplined enough, you shouldn’t start.

    I’ve had people ask me, if I can spare a vial of testosterone. My answer always has to be at no. Why start, if you can’t afford it. The only reason I’m posting this is someone just asked me again.
  9. C


  10. O

    Very high trt starting dose?

    After looking over my latest blood results my doctor made the decision to start me on trt. My test levels were 9nmo/l and she also said my gh levels were at 50% of what they should be. Everything else came back good (Estradiol, liver, kidney, shbg etc) My concern is the starting dose of 250mg...
  11. M

    Should I start taking AI with first pin of TRT?

    I’ve been reading all the posts about members crashing their E2 and it horrified me. My E2 levels are currently at 30 and Total Test at 450, however, my skin is on the drier side and my joints feel creaky. I know 30 for E2 is supposed to be in the upper range though. My TRT regiment will be...