sperm quality

  1. N

    Ugl or pharma hcg without a script that isnt ridiculously underdosed

    I currently only have one place i go to for good hcg but they are out of stock . Feel free to inbox me with suggestions because safemedsforall and reliable rx hcg are underdosed wastesvof money . Heard the o ly indian hcg that is good is eutrig (very overdosedwhich is fine by me ) but isn't...
  2. R

    Sperm motility discussion

    So on trt with hcg my motility ranged from 15% to 2%. Came off everything on December 26th 2022 and started a PCT protocol. Had sperm tested on 13th March 2023 and motility had risen to 20% with all other numbers normal. My question would be do you think this will still rise as only been 3...
  3. 3

    HCG and Testosterone Cypionate and wife is pregnant!!!!

    Attached is my recent sperm analysis (July 1st, 2020) and my HCG & T protocol. For the past 2.5 years I’ve been taking 300 IU’s .1 2x week HCG and 80mg .4 2x week T Cyp. My testes have mild atrophy, but decent sperm load and I notice a difference the longer I go without HCG. I decided to get...
  4. S

    Study says tomatoes/lycopene can improve sperm quality up to 50%

    Sperm quality can be improved with a simple diet supplement containing a compound found in cooked tomatoes, according to new research by the University of Sheffield. A randomized placebo-controlled trial to investigate the effect of lactolycopene on semen quality in healthy males
  5. C

    Improve Sperm Quality By Eating Nuts?

    Men who ate about two handfuls of mixed almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts daily for 14 weeks improved their sperm count and had more viable "swimmers", scientists found. The study comes amid a decline in sperm counts across the Western world, linked to pollution, smoking and diet. Researchers...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    Study: Sperm quality deteriorated over time

    Decline in semen quality among infertile men in Brazil during the past 10 years. Borges E Jr, et al. Int Braz J Urol. 2015 Jul-Aug. Abstract PURPOSE: To investigate whether the semen quality of men undergoing conventional semen analysis is deteriorating over time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We...
  7. T

    PCT Protocol / Sperm Count

    Hello all. Last month I went to get a sperm analysis done and although not surprising, but still upsetting, the test came back as zero. I have been on a blast/cruise of AAS for the past 26 months as I bodybuild and powerlift. I was seeing tons of early success in both sports so extended my...
  8. Nelson Vergel

    Processed meats lower sperm quality. Fish consumption increases it

    J Nutr. 2014 Jul;144(7):1091-8. doi: 10.3945/jn.113.190173. Epub 2014 May 21. Processed meat intake is unfavorably and fish intake favorably associated with semen quality indicators among men attending a fertility clinic. Afeiche M. Abstract Emerging literature suggests that men's diets may...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    Vitamins Improve Sperm Quality

    Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2014 Mar 28;86(1):1-4. doi: 10.4081/aiua.2014.1.1. Antioxidant co-supplementation therapy with vitamin C, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10 in patients with oligoasthenozoospermia. Kobori Y1, Ota S, Sato R, Yagi H, Soh S, Arai G, Okada H. Abstract OBJECTIVE: Overproduction...