sexual desire disorder

  1. N

    TRT has made me worse

    Hi all. I'm a 50-year old man living in the UK. 5 years ago I started noticing that my libido was low. Doctors did blood tests and said that my testosterone was low but not long enough to start trt... After doing lots of research and and pestering my doctor he finally prescribed testosterone...
  2. C

    Brain estrogen creation 'critical to maintain full sexual activity or desire in males'

    A tip of the hat to "PakMan" at PeakT for the reference to this article. The underlying work is on mice, but may have implications for humans. Summary: Researchers have uncovered specific regions of brain tissue where aromatase is present, that drives male sexual desire. Aromatase converts...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    FDA approves first treatment for sexual desire disorder

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Addyi (flibanserin) to treat acquired, generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in premenopausal women. Prior to Addyi’s approval, there were no FDA-approved treatments for sexual desire disorders in men or women. “Today’s approval...