sensitive estradiol

  1. DragonBits

    E2, effect of LC-MS/MS test, effect of BMI on TT not on E2

    Low Estradiol Concentrations in Men With Subnormal Testosterone Concentrations and Type 2 Diabetes This is an interesting study of men with T2 diabetes. It's interesting for several reasons outside of diabetes. 1) It directly compares the cheaper immunoassay Vs LC-MS/MS sensitive test for E2...
  2. J

    High sensitive estradiol

    Not on trt, but have been doing some research for years because I am always tired, low libido etc..Docs never wanted to test estrogen for some reason.. So I found discounted labs and got the test done. Normal 8.0 to 35.0.. My results was 78.9...Forwarded the results to my doc now and she says...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    The role of estradiol in males: Implications for libido and testosterone replacement therapy.

    Historically, when we think of sex hormones in men and women, we identify testosterone as the core regulator of orderly male growth and sexual function. In a similar fashion, we identify estrogens central to regulating sexual and reproductive function along with a host of non-reproductive...
  4. J

    Doctor Osborn Ordered Regular Estradiol Test

    So I finally decided to make an appointment with an experienced TRT Doctor (Dr. Osborn). Blood tests were ordered but the estradiol test was not the sensitive type. I inquired why and was told sensitive was not necessary. I have an appointment in a few weeks. I've heard/read a lot of good things...
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Comparison of testosterone and estradiol test in men using immunoassay versus mass spectrometry

    Comparison of serum testosterone and estradiol measurements in 3174 European men using platform immunoassay and mass spectrometry; relevance for the diagnostics in aging men EJE-11-1051v1 166/6/983 Ilpo T Huhtaniem et al Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    Estradiol Testing: Papers supporting Liquid Chromatography (LC) testing over immunoasssays (RIA)

    Estradiol 1 pg/mL = 3.671 pmol/L Lower limit Upper limit Unit 50 200 pmol/L 14 55 pg/m SENSITIVE ESTRADIOL TESTING USED LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY/ MASS SPECTROMETRY INSTEAD OF IMMUNOASSAY (ria) Handelsman DJ, Wartofsky L. Requirement for Mass Spectrometry Sex Steroid Assays in the...