semen volume; ejaculate; sex

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  1. J

    Came off TRT 2 years ago: my balls are much smaller than before and decreased fertility, but hormone levels are good. How can I get back to normal?

    I was on a low dose of Tesy Cyp for years…about 110mg a week. I tried using HCG while I was on, but couldn’t ever get the E2 response controlled, and it also skyrocketed my T levels as well. So I just used test cyp on its own…nothing else. I eventually wanted to stop TRT. I took HCG at 500iu...
  2. madman

    How to Increase Semen Volume?

    Have you been wanting to supercharge your load? What’s in it for you? In today’s video, we will learn proven ways how to boost your semen or ejaculatory volume. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks for watching! ▶️Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:11 Semen Volume 01:00 5% of ejaculate is sperm...
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