saw palmetto

  1. keithc2485

    Saw Palmetto for Hair growth ? is it safe on TRT>?

    Does Saw Palmetto Affect Testosterone? We know all the type about it and what it does- High levels of dihydrotestosterone are associated with hair loss, while high levels of testosterone are associated with hair growth. Some men take saw palmetto so their body’s level of dihydrotestosterone...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Natural Treatments for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH- Prostate Inflammation)

    Phytotherapy, or the use of plant extracts, is becoming widely used in the management of many medical conditions including BPH (Table 11) 107 . Often these agents are promoted to aid "prostatic health" and a significant proportion of men try them. Factors also contributing to their widespread...