psycholigical health

  1. C

    Online / video therapy? Couples therapy success stories?

    Hey everyone, I'm having some psychological fallout from TRT, erectile dysfunction, and related relationship problems. I'm trying to convince my wife to do couples therapy but currently failing on that front. I've seen a therapist in the past a few times. It helped in the short term, but...
  2. C

    Is there a hormonal explanation for extreme reaction to testosterone?

    I had relatively low testosterone when I started TRT at the minimum dosage every two weeks. Although I have been told that it is all in my head, I swear that I could taste it when the nurse did the first shot (and every shot I have ever done). I immediately get a tingling sensation up my back...
  3. M

    Men's Sexual Problems Linked to Low Prolactin Levels

    This is an article from 2013 that I found very interesting regarding the impact of low prolactin on men. "The results showed low prolactin was linked to several signs of poor sexual health, as well psychological health. Men with levels of prolactin that were lower than average, although still...