psa levels

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  1. R

    PSA value doubled in 6 months

    Hi, 60 yo, my PSA value 6 months ago was 1.5 today it's 2.9 . I have been on TRT for 5 years and PSA was always 1.5 or lower. I just finished getting over the RSV virus and completing medication for it. Can this be the cause? Also 4 weeks ago I had a viterous detachment in my left eye. The...
  2. C

    My PSA test was 3.7. 5 weeks later I retested but was 4.7. I had masturbated the night before,can that effect the results?

    My PSA was high,4 .7 ,can masturbation night before blood test effect PSA levels? I asked my Dr ,but he refused to answer, insisting I have to ask a urologist
  3. Vince

    PSA Levels by Age: What Every Man Needs to Know About Prostate Health

    Generally, here are the normal PSA levels by age group: 0-2.5 ng/mL: Normal for men ages 40-50 2.5-3.5 ng/mL: Normal for men ages 50-60 3.5-4.5 ng/mL: Normal for men ages 60-70 4.5-5.5 ng/mL: Normal for men ages 70-80...
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