older men trt

  1. S

    FNG (f***ing new guy)

    Hello all, I'm a 42-year-old professional athlete who's never taken PEDs. I'm looking to start TRT with a good doctor that treats symptoms not numbers. First, a little background, I'm a veteran, currently in school, and I maintain a very active workout/run regimen. I feel good overall, but I...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Is Testosterone Risky for Older Men? A debate at the American Urology Association Conference

    [h=4]From the American Urology Association meeting yesterday (May 18, 2015) Age Discrimination or Age Specific Precautions: Will New Guidelines from the FDA Protect Elderly Male Patients or Condemn Them to Live with the Symptoms of Hypogonadism[/b]...