nandrolone administration

  1. B

    Nandrolone added to TRT protocol in micro dose.

    I posted a while back about my intentions of adding Nandrolone to my TRT protocol. And whilst i havent yet had blood work taken on this new protocol. (I will wait 4 more weeks). I thought id share this for any gents to comment. I added nandrolone decanoate 2 weeks ago. I dropped my testosterone...
  2. Vince

    Can you run low-dose T with low-dose nandrolone for muscle and joint health?

    My current protocol is 16 mg of T cypionate daily and 500 iu of HCG twice a week. I would like to add in Nandrolone. Would a protocol of 10mg of testosterone and 10mg of nandrolone daily along with twice weekly HCG. Be of any benefit for joint and muscles? My concern is, I don't want to destroy...
  3. madman

    Nandrolone decanoate administration does not attenuate muscle atrophy during a short period of disuse

    Nandrolone decanoate administration does not attenuate muscle atrophy during a short period of disuse Astrid M. H. Horstman, Evelien M. P. Backx, Joey S. J. Smeets, Gabriel N. MarzucaNassr, Janneau van Kranenburg, Douwe de Boer, John Dolmans, Tim Snijders, Lex B. Verdijk, Lisette C. P. G. M. de...