low t after steroids

  1. D

    Etiology: What do you think caused your low T (hypogonadism)?

    Hey everyone, I had a though and felt I'd ask everyone. What do you think caused your hypogonadism? I was thinking about my etiology and realized I don't particularly have one. I did have an one sided orchiectomy (removal of testicle) for cryptorchidism, but that wouldn't have an effect on my...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Low Testosterone After Anabolic Steroids: A Review of Online Site PCT Protocols

    Male central hypogonadism secondary to exogenous androgens:a review of the drugs and protocols highlighted by the onlinecommunity of users for prevention and/or mitigation of adverseeffects: Androgen- or anabolic steroid-induced hypogonadism (ASIH) is no longer confined to professional...