low free t

  1. R

    Detailed Labs of 42yr old healthy with some recent sexual symptoms

    42 years old 6'1" 190lbs Never smoked, don't drink, no drugs, no medication, no accidents, no porn, no surgeries, good health, eat clean, don't work out a lot but pretty active. First sexual symptom ever was age 37 when I noticed a little bit of decreased sensitivity because it took a few more...
  2. D

    High total T, high SHBG, low free T and low estradiol

    Hi folks, I am a newbie, not on TRT, have never taken T or steroids, am 66 years old and have been working out since a teenager. Just got blood tests done at Quest (thanks, Nelson, Discount Labs worked great) and got back: T total 984 Free T 59.1 Bioavailable T 111.2 SHBG 89...
  3. C

    High Albumin&SHBG , Free T calculation?

    This is my most recent bloodwork (Pre TRT), can you help me understand the result for the bloodwork and calculators? I think I am on the lower end, but I might be wrong. The symptoms that I am experiencing are lower libido, low quality erection, brain fog, mild anxiety (occasional but its...
  4. J

    Full lab results (update)

    Thanks for taking the time. This is a follow up to my thread from last week (Total T > 1000 ng/dl (very high), Free T < 65 pg/ml (very low)). Total and Free same deal as last time, and not surprisingly SHBG is super high. Is there anything else in there I should pay attention to? I'm 40yo, in...
  5. C

    Low Free. New to the site.

    Hello everyone. I was on trt for a few years and came off to try and have kids. We have one on the way, so I'm weighing my options and thinking about going back on. Labs from a few months ago: Labcorp Total T 570 246 - 916 ng/dl Free T 7.3 8.7 -...
  6. Reason

    Guidance with Initial Labs (very low Free-T)

    Help Reading Initial Labs? Hey all, New here, first post! I just got my initial labs en route to a Defy consultation (2-3 weeks out). I'm somewhat new to this so I would really appreciate some guidance reading the results. Background: 37 / 5'11" / 190lbs / ~18-20% body fat Gyno as a...
  7. N

    Primary Hypo, TRT for 7 years, Good T, Low Free T

    Hi all, Please bear with me as I have a story to share and a number of questions. I'm 29 years old, about 6'1 215 20-22% BF, and been on TRT for over 7 years. I was diagnosed as primary with low testosterone (270 ng/dl), very high LH and FSH, small testicle volume (< kidney bean size), and...
  8. T

    New member from Oregon

    Hi Everyone, I have finally decided to join and post after reading countless hours worth of material on all different types of sites related to TRT. Like many others I have read about on this site and others I have not felt like myself in many years. I am 38yrs old, 215lbs, 6' tall, medium...
  9. L

    TT: fine - Free T: Really low still on TRT...please help!

    Been on TRT for 2 months now. My TT midrange now but my free testosterone is still off the charts (low) so I'm not benefitting at all. Where do I go now!!!? &#128591;&#127995; UK BLOODS ------------- TT 18 nmol/L E2 60 pmol/L (we dont have a sensitive test in UK!!!) Ref= 30-155 SHBG 40...
  10. T

    58 Yr Old - High DHT - Low Free T- Need Help & Suggestions

    Okay guys, here's a little background...I'll be 58 next month. About 13 months ago I started lifting weights after being away from the gym for 25 years. I'm 5' 11" and at that time was weighing 168 lbs. I started putting on muscle right away and I was happy with my progress until I began to...