
  1. phalloguy100

    Tips for insurance coverage of TRT and ED meds

    I see a lot of posts here from U.S. users stating that “insurance does not pay” for hCG, FSH, Trimix, and even some testosterone products. Although that may be true of some health plans, I have found that coverage is often permitted via prior authorizations and paying close attention to...
  2. D

    Where to get Testosterone prescriptions?

    Been on TRT for almost two years. It's been life changing. I take .9 to 1cc per week of Enanthate injected. Took a while to dial it in, but 800 to 1000 seems to be the sweet spot for me. Then primary care physician retired, new guy want's it to be below 750. "Don't care how you feel, it's too...
  3. B

    Doctors in San Diego

    I had a great setup, a ND that was working under an MD that did billing to my insurance co. The company dissolved and everyone went cash pay. I have Blue Shield PPO and have been getting extensive labs and TRT covered for over 3 years. Just need to find a doc that bills insurance. I hear that...
  4. T

    Question about switching to Insurance for TRT

    Ok guys I've been on TRT for a few years now with Defy. When I had my first labs my T was 168. I still have the old lab report. Of course every lab report since is normal or high. I am wondering if I went to a regular doctor and wanted to switch over to insurance instead of all out of pocket...
  5. I

    Start TRT with clinic or doctor? Suggestions!

    Hello All, Need your advice. I have low testo: 250 first test. LH and FSH are high , PSA, Thyroid, and prolactin are fine. Int the last 3-4 years I went from 15% body fat to 25% body fat developing NAFLD and despite trying dieting and come back to the gym I feel low energy and not able to be...
  6. J

    Defy insurance claims

    I know Defy Medical does not file insurance claims. Blue Cross Blue shield allows you to file claims. This would save me around 40% off visits. The doctor I see can run all the necessary bloodwork. Has anyone had any luck with insurance claims.
  7. K

    Getting Insurance After Being on Self Administered TRT

    I've been on TRT for about three years now. Unfortunately I came into financial difficulties immediately after going on TRT. I have gotten routine blood work on my own, but have not consulted with any doctors, nor have any health insurance. I am now looking to work with a doctor and also get...
  8. R

    Defy vs insurance

    Would it just be cheaper just going straight with defy using thier discounted prices for blood work or would be cheaper to see if you’re insurance covered it?
  9. S

    Lab Costs - What Insurance Pays to Labs.

    I was at the blood lab (labcorp) recently and due to some insurance changes, the lab work was not covered by insurance but I found out what I believe Blue Cross Blue Shield pays for lab work - at least what it says. Interesting how low it is. Also interesting what a good deal...
  10. W

    My Testosterone is Low But Insurance Does not Want to Pay.

    I have a total score of 245. My insurance won't cover trt till I'm under 200. I'm 48 yo relatively healthy. I understand I should be in the 500-700 range for my age. Anybody else have insurance problems?
  11. R

    Economic impact of Testosterone Defficiency in the U.S.

    [h=2]Originally posted by Excelmale. My comment: the direct health impact as described by op is high yet is does not include diminished productivity, costs for preventable workplace accidents, higher workmen's comp, increased costs to entitlement programs such as possible permanent disability...
  12. Nelson Vergel

    Two great websites to determine if ObamaCare will help you or not

    I know most of us are confused about how we will be impacted or benefitted by the Affordable Health Care Act. A few tools are being launched now to help us. Oct 1 is the first day on which we can enroll. Some states have opted out so this only applies to those who agreed to join...