
  1. rawhide

    Natural total free test is 1114ng/ml, will TRT benefit me?

    I'm 50, male. My total testosterone labs have been hovering around 1200ng/ml for a few years. This is all natural, a lot of supplements but all OTC. I'm happy about this but my libido is quite low. Free T is 97.5 pg/mL. Would TRT benefit me when I already have these levels naturally?
  2. M

    Could dose be to high with these symptoms?

    Hi guys 3 weeks ago i started a new protocol coming from a daily one. I now do 100mg e5d. As for the last week Im experiencing symptoms like being very nervous, very anxious, bloodpressure is arround 140/90. Normaly its always arround 125/70. I really dont like this feeling. It freaks me out...
  3. S

    Naturally High Levels of DHEAs

    Does anyone else here have high DHEAs levels? I'm 30yrs old, and have been on TRT more or less since 2017. I do not, and have not ever taken a DHEA supplement. My DHEA has been well above the reference range every single time I've tested for it. The last time it was: 760 with a reference range...
  4. W

    Can my Testosterone be too High?

    Hi, I just got my blood work done with Quest Diagnostic and wanted to share some results. I inject Enanthate every day (10cc) subq, (170mg a week total), and take .5mg Anastrozole Mon/Wed/Friday. Total T: 1442 Free T: 524 E2: 32 (just a little high). My blood pressure is high, so I went to my...
  5. G

    Help: T and E too high, I'm red etc.

    Hi all, I've been on TRT a little over a year. Started at 100mg a week; was tested a month in and numbers were still low so i was bumped to 150mg a week. I was tested about 6 weeks after the increase and my total t and free t were considered "optimal" - I believe total was right around 1000 and...
  6. R

    Lump Under nipple but low estradiol.

    I’ve been on TRT for about a year now and taking test 200 cyp @ .4 2x a week along with HCG @ 500 iu’s 2x a week. Started taking anastrazole .125 2x a week about 8 weeks in because a lump develop under nipple. Took tamoxifen, started anastrazole and it cleared up. Fast forward approx 6-8 months...
  7. Maca

    High Pregnenolone - NOT SUPPLEMENTING??

    Hey! I recently got my Pregnenolone tested and I came back what I think is very high. I am not taking any pregnenolone just testosterone. I suffer with brain fog and fatigue still after starting TRT and wonder if this has something to do with it. Any thoughts would be great as I can't find...
  8. T

    Recently started TRT, I think I may have gone about it wrong, little help!

    I am 33 years old and a few years back I started getting super tired and really lacked motivation. I had a lot of symptoms that mad me think my Test was low. My brothers was really low at 34 and my dads was really low so I went and had mine checked. I came in at 224 and the doctor recommended...
  9. M

    Dihydrotestosterone is too high.

    My testosterone before TRT was 242. I'm 51 years old. I began TRT on November 27th 2014 using two tubes of Testim gel per day. This past week I had my first blood work done since beginning TRT. Here are the results: It appears that my dihydrotestosterone is too high. Is there any danger...