high am testosterone

  1. Z

    Can High Free T cause ED?

    My doc recently wanted me to try a increase in dose was doing 12mg daily , we went to 14mg daily. The only thing the really changed by a significant amount was free T on the quest dialysis test. On 2 different tests I was at the top of the range and slight over there on the last. TESTOSTERONE...
  2. northern2020

    High SHGB and High a.m Testosterone with intermittent use of Nolvadex

    Greetings first time posting. Great forum, any input appreciated. 45 year old healthy male, 4 kids training since 12 years old, intermittent use of testosterone for training since age 35 - no more than 500mgs x 8-12 weeks 4 times over 8 years. Recently off Testosterone as of June 2018 and...