free estrogen

  1. N

    Does anyone test Free E2 or Free DHT? (+ No Free DHT test on discountedlabs?)

    While almost everyone talks about and understands the importance of looking at Free T and not TT to match symptoms with lab numbers, it seems nobody talks about testing Free E2 or/and Free DHT. I'm thinking of starting to test Free E2 and Free DHT so that I can compare the free version of all 3...
  2. S

    Spreadsheet for Calculating Free T & E2

    There's been a lot discussion recently in Excelmale on wanting to test for Free E2 and the relatively high cost of this test. There are online calculators which calculate an estimate of Free T based on Total T, SHBG and Albumin. However there doesn't appear to be an online calculator for...
  3. S

    Discountedlabs free estrogen test results in

    I typically run a sensitive estrogen in the 50's on my labs. My SHBG is also in the 50's. I have been on TRT for about 15 months and the numbers are pretty consistent. I do all the stuff that people caution will spike estrogen: 80 mg test cyp every 3.5 days, 400 IU HCG M W F and DHEA 25 mg...